

Taiwanese President Urges China to Scrap Missiles

Watan Chen, David Lee

1. urge (v) 敦促
2. scrap (v) 將…作為廢物;將…拆毀
3. arms race (n) 軍備競賽
4.. negotiate (v) 蹉商、談判
5. dismantle (v) 拆除
6. rule out (v phr) 排除
7. regard (n) 關係、事項[U]
8. vow (v) 誓言

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou urged China on Monday, October 19th, to scrap the growing number of missiles aimed at Taiwan.
Taiwan plans to buy more weapons from the United States to protect itself, although Ma says his government does not want to start an arms race with China. 雖然馬總統表示,台灣政府不想和中國展開軍備競賽,台灣計劃從美國添購更多的武器來保護自己。
[Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwanese President]:
"The number (of missiles) continues to go up. That is certainly a great concern for the people here. If we are to negotiate a peace agreement with the Mainland, certainly we expect them to do something about those missiles, either to remove them or dismantle them.”
President Ma became the chairman of the ruling Nationalist Party or Kuomintang (KMT) over the weekend. He said he would not rule out meeting Chinese leaders but that he didn’t become party chair for that reason.

[Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwanese President]:
"If I want to meet with the leaders of mainland China, people here still consider me as the president, instead of a party chairman, so acquiring an additional title doesn't help very much in that regard."

Communist China has considered Taiwan a province since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949 and has vowed to bring the island under mainland rule by force, if necessary.

