【禁聞】撫州爆炸震官員 7年賠償案獲了結






北京訪民吳天立: 「輕者拘留,重者勞教了。外地送到精神病院的也很多。這些人不反抗等著甚麼呢?就是一死。你不去反抗,他把你折磨死了。已經把人逼得無路可走了。錢明奇只是一個英雄。他是一個先驅。他用一個極端的方式來向政府宣告,如果這樣下去的話,大家都會這樣去做。」


北京訪民鞠鴻怡: 「他(錢明奇)用他的實際行動去抗爭,未免悲壯了一些,但是確實這是別無選擇的。等於他犧牲了自己,促成了別人問題的解決。這個只能證明這個政府他不是沒有能力解決,他根本就是不給老百姓解決問題。 我聽說天津也爆炸了。到處都炸。炸得現在,我們老百姓炸得心裡都開了花了。為甚麼?我們沒有選擇了。」




Bombings Soften CCP

After the bombing incident in Fuzhou City,
Jiangxi Province, the local court quickly revisited
Qian Mingqi's case. Qian died onsite.
Other victims of the relocation and demolition
who appealed together with Qian Mingqi
got compensations 5 days after the incident.
Commentators said that only death threats
can touch the souls of Mainland officials.


According to Southern Weekly, all seven victims
of the relocation and demolition caused by
the Jinfu Highway construction, who petitioned
together with Qian Mingqi, received compensation.
Among them, Zhan Laiyi received RMB380,000.
It is said that their cases started 7 years ago,
and were only resolved 5 days after the bombing.

Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao
pointed out that CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
is numb and indifferent to people's suffering.
Law and media have no impact on CCP. There are
only 2 ways to change them – money and violence.

Chen Yongmiao: “There are only two ways
to change the officials.
One is money – to corrupt and bribe them;
the other is violence – to endanger their lives.
Only facing death threats can their souls
be cleansed. Then they will change
from a prestigious group into human beings.”

Beijing petitioner Wu Tianli said back in 2005
when petitioning at Zhongnanhai, that he witnessed
officials kidnapping petitioners and beating them.
He warned authorities that people will resort
to violence to protest against this violence,
but Wu did not expect this to eventuate.
The bombing incident last month by Qian Mingqi
has led to many bombings throughout China.

Wu Tianli: “Petitioners are detained or even sent
to labor education. Many petitioners
from other areas are sent to mental hospitals.
What will these people do instead of protesting?
They would die either way. They have no way out.
Qian Mingqi is a hero and a pioneer.
He used an extreme way to declare to the CCP,
that if this continues, people will retaliate.”

Beijing residents Ju Hongyi's father died
on his way to petition.
Inspired by her father, she continues with the petition.
But unfortunately Ju is terminally ill.

Ju Hongyi: "He (Qian Mingqi) protested with action.
It is too tragic, but there is really no other choice.
He sacrificed himself to help others finally receive
compensation. This only proves that the CCP
can resolve issues, they just simply don't want to.
I heard that there were explosions in Tianjin.
We people are happy, as we have no choice."

Since the bombing at Fuzhou City in mid-May,
many protests with over 1,000 participants occurred.
In late May, thousands of people protested
in Inner Mongolia. On June 3, 10,000 people
protested in Huzhou City, Zhejian Province.
On June 6 in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province,
10,000 protested when a Sichuan migrant worker's
hands&feet were broken after he requested his payment.
On June 9, an anti-corruption official in Lichuan City,
Hubei Province died mysteriously in the police station,
and roused 2,000 to charge to government buildings.
On June 10 in Xintang Town of Guanzhou City,
the beating of a pregnant woman caused mass protests.

According to a Beijing scholar's statistics,
180,000 cases of strikes and protests occured
in China in 2010, an average of 493 events per day.

NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xiao Yan