【禁聞】動車事故調查報告難產 真相難產



當事故發生後,鐵道部原本已承認信號系統存在問題。7月28號,上海鐵路局局長安路生,他在溫州舉行的第一次事故調查全體會議上表示,「7•23 」動車事故是由於溫州南站信號設備在設計上存在嚴重缺陷,遭雷擊發生故障後,導致本應顯示為紅燈的區間信號機錯誤顯示為綠燈。












China’s high-speed train Accident Report

The investigation report of high-speed train accident on the
Yongwen Line has not been released for quite some time now.
According to official policy, the report had to be released
no later than November 30.
But there was no word from any related government official
that day.
It’s reported that at high levels is hard to pin the responsibility
of a problem on anyone.
If they say it’s an equipment issue, then that will damage
the image of the China High Speed Railway.
If they say it’s a management issue, then many officials
will have to take the responsibility for the accident.

There’s an official policy in China that dictates that an investigation
report of a major accident must be released within 120 days.
However, more than four months have passed but the investigation
report of the Yongwen Line high-speed train accident hasn’t been released.

Just after the accident, China Ministry of Railways said that
there were issues with the signaling system.
On July 28 in Wenzhou City, An Lusheng, the director of
the Shanghai Railway Bureau said in the first investigation plenary,
that the signaling system in the Wenzhou Nan station had
serious flaws in its design, which led to the accident.
The passing signal turned from red to green
after a lightning strike.

The system designer, Beijing Railway Communication
& Signaling Design Institute published an apology letter on its website,
saying that it would “rectify the situation quickly.”

However, Wang Mengshu, the deputy head of the State
Department’s Accident Investigation Expert Team said
the report was finished and handed it in at the end of
September when he was interviewed by the Beijing Times on November 20.
He said, “During the investigation and testing stage,
the technology and the actual equipment of the signaling system didn’t have any problems.
The biggest issue is the staff and the management.”

He commented: “I gave the local management team
good equipment, but they didn’t use it or manage it properly.
After the system broke down, the manual operation
also had problems.”

However, soon after, Wang Mengshu changed his words quickly.
He said his statements were only his personal views,
which are not in the context of the investigation report.

So, what’s the real cause of the accident?

Local media pointed out that there were design flaws in the
signaling system and there were errors on the part of dispatching management team that caused the accident.
In fact, the accident exposed the fact that many departments
within the railway system have problems,
including the system supplier, dispatching center of the Shanghai Railway Bureau,
the operating coordinator in Wenzhou Nan station, and
the maintenance and registration departments of the
signaling section of the Shanghai Railway Bureau.

Jing Chu, a China writer: “Anyway, the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) is engaged in such a rubbish project.
High-speed railway is related to signal, safety, management, etc.
Yet, the CCP doesn’t have the capability to do it well.
The whole high-speed railway system, which includes
the management, signal and safety sub-systems, are very difficult to manage.”

Resources close to the investigation committee said,
the reason why the investigation report has not been released for so long time is that there’s issues with the equipment.
This would damage the image of the China High Speed Railway
and would impact the exporting of the railway system.
If it comes to light that there’s management issues,
then many current leaders will have no political future.

Wang Chengli, the retired professor of the Urban Transit Institute
of Central South University: “The CCP tried to find a reason for the accident at the lower levels but failed.
That’s the reason why it is taking so long
to wind up the investigation.
In fact, the responsibility for the accident lies at high levels in the CCP,
it’s an institutional issue! Fundamentally it’s the institutional issue!
In China, comments can’t be made by lower level officials,
the leader always comment on lower levels, which is the root cause.
Whenever there’s an issue, it’s always a problem at the lower levels.”

In addition, the China CNR Corporation Limited recalled
54 CRH380BL High-speed trains for repair.
And those High-speed trains were put back into operation
on November 16.

Civilian experts questioned what type of repairs were made
to the High-speed trains and
what was the responsibility of the suppliers who supplied the
unqualified parts, and how were they penalized.

NTD Reporters: Dai Jing, Zhou Ping and Xue Li