【禁聞】香港商人競購英退役航母 引憂慮


香港船藝學會會長李慨俠在今年8月底,出資280萬英鎊競購英國退役航母“皇家方舟”號。最近他向媒體表示,3個月前他收到了英國海軍的郵件,告知他可能已經中標。但此後,原定的中標公布時間一拖再拖。 10月,英方表示,中標結果可能會在今年年底前公布。


1998年,香港創律集團有限公司主席徐增平謊稱,要將前蘇聯的“瓦良格”號航母改造成一個海上旅遊設施,而以2000萬美元成功競購。 2002年,“瓦良格”號到達中國大連港,經軍方多年改裝後,今年8月進行了首次試航,被稱為大陸的第一艘軍用航母。而2003年,大陸華夏證券公司高層發生的內訌,則揭出華夏證券曾耗資5.8億元幫助徐增平購買“瓦良格”號。








新唐人記者周玉林 李謙 肖顔 採訪報導。

“HMS Ark Royal” Bid Causing Concerns

The Chinese businessman Huang Nubo was recently refused
the purchase of land in Iceland.
Now another Chinese businessmen participated in the bid
for the decommissioned British aircraft carrier “HMS Ark Royal,” which raised concerns.
Overseas analysts point out that China’s first military
aircraft carrier "Varyag" was initially purchased in the name
of commercial use, so Britain’s anxiety is understandable.

President of HK Ship Art Club, Philip Li, bid £2.8 million
on UK’s decommissioned aircraft carrier “HMS Ark Royal.”
Recently he told the media that he received a mail from
British Navy three months ago, that he might have won the bid.
However, since then the timeline has been delayed many times.

In October, 2011, UK said the final result might be released
before the end of this year.

Asia Sales Manager, Yang Weijian, of German’s MAN Group
spoke to the media on the issue.
He said, the inside information indicates Britain is worried
about political factors in this transaction, hence the delay.

In 1998, the HK Chong Law Group Chairman, Xu Zengping,
placed a bid for the former Soviet Union’s “Varyag.”
He claimed he will convert it into a maritime tourism facility
in Shanghai, and won the bid with $20 million.
In 2002, “Varyag” arrived in Dalian and was modified
by the military for many years.
In August, 2011, it had its first trial trip.
Now it is regarded as China’s first aircraft carrier.
In 2003, China Securities Co. Ltd top-level internal struggles
revealed that China Securities had spent RMB 580 million to help Xu Zengping purchase the “Varyag.”

Among the 20 bidders on "HMS Ark Royal,"
at least three are Chinese.

Cai Yongmei (executive editor, Hong Kong's Open Magazine):
"Though being overseas businessmen, Chinese merchants are financed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The CCP asks them to do things on the front line for it.
This is so common.
It is very possible that UK has doubts on this deal. Even I do.
I believe there is 90% possibility the CCP is behind this deal.”

A British MP asked the Congress on November 29,
whether "HMS Ark Royal" is sold to the Chinese government, and whether there are relevant restrictions.
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Peter Luff said,
that "HMS Ark Royal" will not be sold to China or any other government;
it will be used for commercial purposes.

He said that the UK government is working on the bid,
and there is no result on it yet.

"HMS Ark Royal" has water displacement of 20,000 tons.
It is a light type aircraft carrier.
It joined service in 1985 and was retired in January this year.
It served in the Gulf War, and it is known as the "Mother of the Royal Navy."
“Varyag,” the aircraft carrier renovated in China, has water
displacement of 60,000 tons. It is a large aircraft carrier.

News commentator Wei Zhou expressed that the construction
of an aircraft carrier is a gradual process.
It needs both, basic and high level technologies,
which CCP has no experience with.
It even encountered many difficulties
with the renovation of "Varyag."

Wei Zhao: “In addition to Soviet Union, the CCP wants to get
knowledge and gather experiences from different aspects.
It might have encountered many issues in making large ships.
It could not avoid some issues and it had to learn some lessons.
That’s why it wants to buy some small ships now,
as to learn and gain some knowledge from them.”

HK businessman Philip Li once served as the CEO
of HK North West Expressed Limited.
He was involved in establishing the Hong Kong Ship Art Club.
He is currently a yacht coach.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Qian and Xiao Yan