【禁聞】雲南校車事故 學生被逼簽免責協議














Students forced to sign release agreement after bus accident in Yunnan Province.

A horse and carriage carrying students in Qiubei County,
Yunnan Province has collided with a truck.
The accident has left 2 dead and 23 injured.

Parents explained the school forced them to sign a contract
during admission to use the carriage as a school bus.
If rules were not followed, and accidents occurred, the
contract shifts all responsibility to the parents.

At midday on Dec 12, the carriage, used by 24 students from
Maomaochong Primary School collided with a truck.
12-year-old Zhao Zhengjuan died instantly and 12-year-old
Wang Haixia died shortly afterward in hospital.

Maomaochong Primary School has 240 students, 100 of
which are temporary.
Several media reported parents of these students had to sign a
“contract” with the school, containing the following statement:
“If parents cannot meet and send off students on time, the
school will not be responsible for any accidents.”
A number of parents revealed they were forced by the
school principal to sign the contract.

The two who died were pupils at Dayidu Primary School in
Hengshan Village, only 10 minutes walk from their homes.
Renovations at Dayidu School meant they were reassigned to
Maomaochong School, and needed to walk 3 hours everyday.

Builders and the education department promised renovations
at Dayidu Primary School will be completed in Sep 2011.
Father of deceased Wang Haixia questioned why students
could not return 3 months after the completion deadline.
He said, “If the construction was finished on time, those kids
would have come back and avoided this accident.”

It was revealed Qiubei County did not have school buses, and
Maomaochong School didn't find a bus for transferred pupils.
Many appeals by parents to use a minibus to commute met
with no response.
Zhao Yongping, father of deceased Zhao Zhengjuan, said that
they could only afford RMB 60 to hire a carriage for safety.

Vice County Minister of Propaganda Li Honglin said:
“Overall, many school buses accidents happened this year.
The school bus issue has not been resolved yet, as Wenshan
and Beiqiu are both poor counties compared to nationally.
These county governments cannot afford to solve the problem.”

When interviewed by NTDTV, a middle-school teacher
explained there are many children of school-age in rural areas.
For safety, they can only choose to stay at home, as parents
went away to work, and transportation remains a problem.

The middle-school teacher said: “Some kids here cannot go to
school at 6, which is a proper age for Grade One.
This is either because their homes are far from school, or
cannot afford it.
Many 60 to 70-year old people are teaching their
grandchildren at home. I hope every school can have bus.”

The lack of school buses is neglected, despite luxurious
automobiles owned by officials at all levels.
Netizens question the cost of school buses, saying money
used to financially assist other countries can fund them.
They ask, 'are foreign lives more precious?', saying one
officials dinner could pay for a school bus.

Many also said that children in China not only need safe
school buses, but also schools nearby.

Following the school bus accident in Feng County, Jiangsu
Province, all school buses there was stopped.
A 70-year-old woman pulls her 1st grade granddaughter to
school using a rickshaw, walking over 10 kilometers a day.
She only hopes that her granddaughter can safely
receive education while growing up!

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan and Huang Rong