【禁聞】神九升空 網民:解決民生比登天難

【新唐人2012年6月19日訊】神九升空 網民:解決民生比登天難





一位女網友在信中說,「可以把一個女宇航員送上天,也可以強行墮掉一個村婦7月大的胎兒。33歲的(女宇航員)劉洋和22歲的(被強墮胎的村婦)馮建梅, 兩個女人命運的對比是這個「國家」撕裂現狀最好寫照。」

薄熙來被稱同志 雙開判刑引猜測








Solving Livelihood Harder Than Shenzhou-9 Space Launch

The Chinese Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft has docked
with the Tiangong-1 space lab module.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) official media
has constantly reported the event.
China’s biggest social network Sina weibo
set off the event to “write to Shenzhou-9”.
They expected to receive praise, but netizens
took the opportunity to criticize current affairs.

Netizen Liu Jin: “a country that couldn’t control
prices of house and goods;
couldn’t solve job issues for students and
is without a good civil welfare insurance policy;
couldn’t take action on household registration reforms,
food safety and government corruption;
with a “Para-police” force using violent behavior;
and a large gap between rich and poor;
but they can send astronauts to outer space.

this means that resolving these problems
is more difficult than flying to space.”

A netizen named “second-line brand of quartz clock”
also commented.
“Spacecraft successfully launched proves again:
to solve problems of poor school-dropout-children,
healthcare insurance and decreasing housing price
issues is harder than flying to the space.”

Recently, media exposed that a woman in Ankang village
in Shaanxi was forced to abort at seven months pregnant.
This was also criticized by netizens.

A lady netizen wrote: “A female astronaut can be sent to
space, and a seven month unborn baby can be aborted.
Comparing 33-year-old astronaut Liu Yang with 22-year-old
pregnant woman Feng Jianmei’s fates,
you can tell this country’s current situation.

Bo Still Called‘Comrade’: Punishment Questions Triggered

On June 18, in a Chongqing party conference, Zhang Dejiang,
city party secretary, called Bo Xilai his comrade.
He was officially cited saying Bo
“seriously violated discipline”.
Analysts said that the investigation
hasn’t drawn a conclusion.
Previous news reported that Bo would be dismissed from
the CCP and his position, and could be sentenced.

Huang Zhongqing, director at Hong Kong’s South China
Morning Post Beijing commented to the BBC.
He said Zhang Dejiang still referred to Bo
as “comrade” a few months after the Bo incident.
It indicated that the CCP attempted to minimize
the Bo issue to ‘maintain stability’.

Voice of America cited Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao;

“This manifests that Bo is still investigated by the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection.
The result isn’t completed yet, thus his party
membership still remained.”

Some analysts interpret that Zhang Dejiang still highlighted
Bo’s problem of “seriously violating discipline”.
It shows the Bo incident is still under investigation
within the CCP, without transferal to judicial process.
Meanwhile, it indicates the Bo issue is very serious
and beyond the CCP’s tolerance.

Many people estimated that Bo’s future would be
publicized before the 18th National Congress.

“According to claims from a person close to Bo’s family,
the earliest move would be on next month’s meeting.
The meeting will finalize the punishment
to remove Bo’s party membership and his role.
Then the case will be transferred to judicial procedure.”
“He is likely to be sentenced.”
