【禁聞】中共欲百萬收買胡佳認罪 棄人權獎
















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/李若琳

Hu Jia Exposes the Chinese Authorities 『Shady Bribery』.

Mainland human rights activist Hu Jia, whose political rights
have been restored recently, disclosed Chinese authorities
had tried to bribe him with large sums of money.

He was asked to admit being guilty and to give up his Human
Rights Award received from the international community.
Hu Jia refused. Even the captain of National Security Corps
thought the CCP's practice was below par..
The European Parliament also accused the Chinese authorities
of placing pressure upon them.

In 2008, after being sentenced to 3 1/2 years in jail
upon charges of "inciting subversion of state power”,
Hu Jia had drawn international attention.
In the same year, he won the Nobel Peace Prize nomination;
The European Parliament awarded him the spirit of the
Sakharov Prize for Freedom. The highest of human rights awards.

Hu Jia said on the night of October 29, 2008, Captain Yu
from the National Security Corps came to see him in prison.
Telling him he could be released early
if he declared “being guilty.”

Hu Jia: “To declare myself not suitable for this award,
not suitable for such nominations.
It would mean to confess to the world I am wrong;
the CCP’s conviction of me is then so called justified, according to the law.”

The captain said the prize money from the Sakharov award
is € 50,000. Hu Jia could be compensated twice as much, yet he still refused.

Hu Jia: "At that time I was quite sober,
at least I was not moved.
I said your money is taxpayers' money,
and you are using it to tempt me first, humiliate me later.
This is very a filthy act. The captain agreed,
it was one of the filthiest ways.”

The Chinese authorities knew this was a dirty business
of theirs.
During the Nobel Peace Prize awarding ceremony,
between August and December 2008,
the authorities had sent people on seven separate occasions
to see Hu Jia.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was so eager to make a deal.
Hu said this was a terrible conspiracy.

Hu Jia: "If you really reach such a deal with them, you are
selling your soul, conscience, and moral guidelines
in exchange for a little personal freedom and economic gain.

So, you betrayed yourself and the values you most cherish.”

Hu also believes this to mean, future generations will also be
hurt upon such charges as “ inciting subversion of state power."

Hu Jia: "The international community will say, if we give him
moral support, give him an international award,
whether it is issued by the government or not,
will this scenario occur again?
It is a chilling thought for the international community and
those who support human rights and democracy in China today.”

Hu Jia’s refusing money and standing up to power,
won him the admiration from prison guards.
One guard even said, one day he would become a hero in
the cause for human rights.

Hu Jia: "He doesn’t know whether you are truly guilty of not;
he did not have the ability to tell.
Some guards did say it was hard to predict things in China,
that many wrongful cases and re-dressings were already in the past.”

An article on the 14th publication of French "Liberation", accused
the Chinese authorities of paying hush money to protestors.
It cited the case in Shaanxi: a 7-month fetus being induced.
The pregnant woman received 70,000 yuan in compensation.
It pointed out when victims suffered from a denial of justice,
it triggered the attention of the media and public opinion.
The Chinese authorities then used money to keep them quiet.

It reported that under special circumstances, CCP will give
lots of money, like at Guangdong Wukan Xue Jinbo incident.
Under pressure from public opinion, 3.8 million yuan was
awarded as compensation.
But the agreement offers neither a reason for Xue’s death,
nor an apology.
The CCP paid cash for a violation of the judiciary,
all in the name of saving face.

Hu Jia pointed out countless victims in China lacked the help
from public opinion and their situations were even more tragic.
He hopes that the community as a whole can pay more attention
to these vulnerable groups.
Hoping more people will stand up to exercise their basic
human rights and help create more freedom for the community,
yet not waiting for the authorities to bestow such things.
