【禁聞】7•23動車事故週年 官冷民熱








網友 張先生:「快一週年了,動車事故原因、責任以及後來搶救過程中,是誰下令埋火車頭的,這些都沒有給人民一個交代。所以現在快一週年了,它不但不敢報導,它還要千方百計壓制民間對溫州動車事件的反思紀念活動。」





採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/黎安安

First Anniversary of Wenzhou Train Collision: Officials Indifferent, People Concerned

It has been a year since the train collision in Wenzhou,
in which over 200 people lost their lives, or were injured.
The train wreckage, covered with dirt, still
stands in the southern station of Wenzhou.
However, official CCP media have
already forgotten the tragedy.
China's authorities have again banned all media
coverage of the first anniversary of the collision.
Nevertheless, people held many memorial activities in China.

Some commentators think that the CCP's authoritarian
regime has caused too many tragedies in China.
The CCP's senior authorities are already
in the fear of being exposed and punished.

At 8:30pm on July 23, 2011, a high-speed train crash killed
40 people, and injured over 200, near Wenzhou City, China.
The accident took place when the high-speed train
D3115 was allegedly hit by lightning and lost control.
It was then struck from the rear by another bullet train D301.

The first train was running from the provincial capital
Hangzhou to the southeastern city of Fuzhou.
The second train was traveling from Beijing to Fuzhou.

Soon after the accident, all media stood up
and criticized China's Ministry of Railways.
At the end of July 2011, the Communist Party's Propaganda
Department banned all media coverage of the collision.
It asked media to quote only official news.

Now, at the timing of the first anniversary of the collision,
China's official newspaper stayed silent about the tragedy.
As disclosed by the International Federation of Journalists,
China's authorities have again banned media's coverage of the first anniversary of the collision.

The news about China's banning of the coverage
has also been confirmed by Japan's Asahi Shimbun.
Reporters from Asahi Shimbun have learned from China
Central Television reporters, as well as the local news
agency in Wenzhou, that it's impossible to report
on the first anniversary of the collision.
The main reason is that the 18th National Congress
is approaching, and it is a very sensitive time period.
In addition, Wenzhou local government has also proved
that there won't be any memorial ceremony.
This is because it might humiliate
China's Ministry of Railways.

However, a lot of people in China haven't forgotten
the tragedy that happened a year ago.
Some of them wrote memorial articles, and some of them
made videos to memorize those who lost their lives.

Online citizen “tolucky222” wrote on his micro-blog that,
“It's been almost a year since the accident. I went to the scene of the collision.
The engine of the train that was buried and then dug out
is still covered with dirt at the accident scene.
It has been lying nearby the southern station of Wenzhou.
However, it has remained out of the focus of the media.
No one has ever taken care of it. The cars of the train still
look the same as the time when the accident took place.
Newspapers from the day of the accident,
and food still litter the cars.”

Ma Dexing, a famous sports reporter:
“The nation that has forgotten its own history is hopeless.”

Online citizen, Mr. Zhang: ”It's been
a year since the train collision.
However, no explanation has been given to people regarding
the cause, who was responsible, details of the rescue
procedures, and the person who made the decision
to bury the engine of the train at the scene.
It's been a year now. The CCP authorities do not dare
to report anything on the collision.
It is trying all means to suppress people from
remembering those who lost their lives in the accident.”

Mr. Zhang also told NTDTV that the CCP authorities
have never disclosed the truth to people regarding
“June 4th event in 1989”, the “Wenchuan Earthquake”
and the “Xinjiang Karamay Fire”.
All of the tragedies are caused
by the authoritarian regime in China.
He also thinks that the “Arab Spring”
is a trend that China will follow.
China will finally realize its democracy and freedom.

Hu Jun, founder of “Human Rights Movement”,
also points out that China is full of uncertainties.
The CCP is now in great fear, and it maintains its power
through scaring people, by creating terrorism.
However, ordinary people have already
become more and more clear-headed.
Now the CCP authorities are living
in the fear of being exposed and punished.

Hu Jun: “The whole CCP system should be in great fear now.
They are afraid of losing power, and being exposed and punished.
Therefore, recently they've been
pledging loyalty to the CCP regime.
Military officials also pledge their loyalty.
Therefore, they do know that their last day is coming.”

Hu Jun also points out that the CCP regime
divides people into different political classes.
It motivates people to fight against each other.
The sacrifice is not only the ordinary people.
For those within the CCP regime,
they will reap what they have sown.
Hu Jun thinks that the situation in Syria will also give
the CCP a hit. Assad will suffer the same fate as Qaddafi.
Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang should take
warning from the examples of Assad and Qaddafi.