【禁聞】中共為迎十八大 再次整肅媒體
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/鍾元

CCP 'Cleans Up' Own Media: Preparing to Welcome 18th Congress.

In order to prepare a favorable social atmosphere, the

Chinese regime has increased its strengths in 'Eliminating
Pornography and Fighting Illegal Publications' (EPFIP).
Various regions have started to fight illegal
publications and tidy up media that broke the rules.
However, Mainland media personnel the motive behind
this activity is to unify Communist Party Culture.
It is to better serve its dictatorship.

But by looking at the current situation in Mainland China,
it seems there is not much time left for the CCP.

On August 27, Beijing hosted a special
operation deployment meeting on EPFIP.
It plans to reinforce the comprehensive management
of, and supervision over, the cultural market.
This will be from the end of August to the end of October.

It also aims to knock out illegal publications to create a
favorable ambience for the 18th National People』s Congress.

Gu Zhijian, Jiangsu internet writer: “The so-called Eliminating
Pornography and Fighting Illegal Publications,
reinforcing control over pirated materials, in reality,
and honestly, is just to unify Communist Party Culture.
Its intention is not to let people enjoy a cleaner environment,
but to let people receive its [party] culture education.”

Gu Zhijian points out this process is often violent and bloody.

This is because in China, the power of the
Communist Party comes above everything else.
Its right to rule is number one, everything else is secondary.

Liu Yiming, freelance writer and reporter for the Independent
Chinese PEN Center (ICPC) commented.
What the regime shuts out and blocks are all websites
that have been considered to have the courage to speak up.
Those who receive the crack down are human rights
activists, dissidents, and even petitioners.

Liu Yiming: “In reality, the so-called “creating a cultural
atmosphere” is to eliminate dissenting voices.
This has been consistent, and party representatives act
this way every time at party representative meetings.
They hang up sheep heads but are selling dog meat.

A truly favorable cultural atmosphere is to let
people speak freely, and let media report freely.

But, the Chinese regime has already started
its act of tidying up the media.

China state-run media Xinhua News Agency
released information on August 29.
It said that The Economic Observer in Shandong has
received an administrative penalty from Shandong
Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication,
for continuously reporting false information.
Shandong Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication
said these reports “created unfavorable social influences”.

However, Mainland media personnel point out that

The Economic Observer has reported many times
on food safety and public domain issues.
It is known for its courage to speak out.

In 2010, they received punishment for its alliance
with 13 other Mainland medias, where an editorial calling for household registration reform was published.
This time, they are being “tidied up” because
the Chinese regime is afraid to speak clearly and openly concerning the truths about the flood in Beijing.
Hence, the CCP can only make an oblique accusation
by publicly criticizing someone who can be criticized.
This is instead of criticizing the national leaders.

The Economic Observer reported in great depth
on the flood in Beijing, which took place on July 21.
It published articles, such as “Fangshan District
is Not Protected” and “Missing Persons from Beijing Flood”.
These articles disclosed victims whose
names the regime did not reveal.
Starting on August 4, The Economic Observer was
taken off newsstands, and destroyed in Beijing.

Furthermore, media such as 'xkb', 'dfdaily', 'nddaily', 'infzm'
and others received differing levels of punishment this year.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor from Heibei People's
Broadcast Station: “What it fears is to completely reveal the true conditions in the society.
At the same time, it is afraid that the voices calling for
democracy will be expressed widely and publicly.
It just wants to hear some false,
superficial voices to protect is dictatorship.”

Now a free lancer, Zhu Xinxin expresses that some so-called
“illegal publications” actually reflect the truth of events.
They echo the voice of the people.

He believes being afraid to face reality is not only
lying to others, but also lying to oneself.
This reflects the weakness of the dictator.”

Gu Zhijian: “Social conflicts are intensifying.

If you do not truly respect human rights,
it does not matter what kind of methods you use.
If you listen to the people, but suppress them,

even if you place them under your feet today,
someday they will stand up, they will shout.”

Gu Zhijian also points out that a government which makes
pompous sounds superficially,
but does not take legal responsibility for the people to
carry out its political responsibilities, is a bad government.
The CCP should seriously consider what
to do on the 18th National People's Congress.
This can determine China's future, but in actuality,
there is not much time left for them and the people to make a choice.