【新唐人2012年9月10日訊】聲援香港被處罰 傳大學教授退黨
梁光烈給飛行官發紅包 印度疑釣魚
中共國防部長梁光烈訪問印度,用現金紅包犒賞印度空軍飛官的「紅包門」事件,仍然在發酵。印度《今日郵報》(Mail Today),9號,引述印度國防部消息來源報導,儘管表面上事件已經被淡化,但印度國防部主管空軍業務的司長,已經寄出一封措辭強烈的信件給外交部東亞司,要求向中方提出抗議。
第三屆孔子和平獎 孔慶東宣佈入圍名單
中國民間機構「中國國際和平研究中心」再次主辦2012年第三屆「孔子和平獎」。 9月9號,北大教授孔慶東宣佈了第三屆入圍名單,包括班禪喇嘛、聯合國前祕書長安南等8人。
胡錦濤態度強硬談釣島 新華社刪稿
Professor Quits CCP After National Education Issue
Professor of Political Science and Law at East China
University, Zhang Xuezhong, criticized the Hong Kong government’s national education on weibo.
He says that the government should not meddle in education
too much, nor allow it to promote “national education.”
Professor Zhang added, that as the government is mostly
corrupt, it cannot be permitted to ruin the younger generation.
After he posted these words online, the university
stripped him of his qualifications and forbade Zhang from teaching undergraduates.
Zhang expressed his anger over the situation
on his weibo.
A rumor on Twitter says Zhang quit
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) soon after this event.
Back on May 13, 2011, Zhang wrote an open letter
to the Minister of Education Yuan Guiren.
He called for the cancellation of the political exam
from the college and graduate entrance examinations.
And also for the cancellation of the compulsory course
the Principles of Marxist Philosophy from all colleges.
Liang Gives Indian Pilots Red Envelopes
The CCP Ministry of National Defense Liang Guanglie
gave cash gifts to two Air Force pilots while visiting India.
This “Red Envelopes” event is getting more serious.
Indian news media Mail Today says,
“The Secretary of the Ministry of Defense has sent a strong
letter to the East Asia division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking to lodge a protest.”
(Quote is from Mail Today’s report )
“Internal assessment of the incident suggests it was not
an innocent mistake, and that there may have been a sinister design to ‘test waters,’”
The report quoted a senior official’s words,
“Such incidents only add to the mistrust between the two
countries and it is bound to have an impact on bilateral ties.”
2012’s Confucius Peace Prize Finalists
China International Peace Studies Center is holding
the third 2012 Confucius Peace Prize.
Peking University Professor Kong Qingdong
announced the finalists on September 9.
There are 8 nominees including Panchen Lama
and Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.
BBC reports say most of the Tibetans don’t accept
Panchen Lama, who was assigned by the CCP authorities.
The first Confucius Peace Prize in 2010 was awarded
to Taiwan's former Vice President Lien Chan.
However, Lien Chan’s office
said that they weren’t aware of it.
Eventually, the organizer invited a child
to accept the award on behalf of Lien Chan.
Later it was claimed that Lien Chan
accepted the award by default.
In 2011, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
won the Second Confucius Peace Prize.
Xinhua Deletes Hu’s Diaoyu Islands Speech
CCP leader Hu Jintao met Japanese PM Yoshihiko Noda
on September 9, declaring the standpoint on Diaoyu Islands.
Xinhua news agency’s report was revoked in half an hour
of the script being sent out, without giving any reasons.
Xinhua provided another brief script
when the former one was revoked.
Hu Jintao says, “The Chinese government’s standpoint
is firm on the issues of maintenance of territorial sovereignty.
The Japanese side must realize the severity of the situation,
not make wrong decisions, and maintain the overall development of Sino-Japanese relations.”
The new report deleted contents such as, “China resolutely
opposes Japan in using tactics to purchase the islands,” and “China hopes Japan doesn’t make wrong decisions,” etc..
However, Xinhua recovered the deleted information
in the evening news at 8:25pm.
梁光烈給飛行官發紅包 印度疑釣魚
中共國防部長梁光烈訪問印度,用現金紅包犒賞印度空軍飛官的「紅包門」事件,仍然在發酵。印度《今日郵報》(Mail Today),9號,引述印度國防部消息來源報導,儘管表面上事件已經被淡化,但印度國防部主管空軍業務的司長,已經寄出一封措辭強烈的信件給外交部東亞司,要求向中方提出抗議。
第三屆孔子和平獎 孔慶東宣佈入圍名單
中國民間機構「中國國際和平研究中心」再次主辦2012年第三屆「孔子和平獎」。 9月9號,北大教授孔慶東宣佈了第三屆入圍名單,包括班禪喇嘛、聯合國前祕書長安南等8人。
胡錦濤態度強硬談釣島 新華社刪稿
Professor Quits CCP After National Education Issue
Professor of Political Science and Law at East China
University, Zhang Xuezhong, criticized the Hong Kong government’s national education on weibo.
He says that the government should not meddle in education
too much, nor allow it to promote “national education.”
Professor Zhang added, that as the government is mostly
corrupt, it cannot be permitted to ruin the younger generation.
After he posted these words online, the university
stripped him of his qualifications and forbade Zhang from teaching undergraduates.
Zhang expressed his anger over the situation
on his weibo.
A rumor on Twitter says Zhang quit
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) soon after this event.
Back on May 13, 2011, Zhang wrote an open letter
to the Minister of Education Yuan Guiren.
He called for the cancellation of the political exam
from the college and graduate entrance examinations.
And also for the cancellation of the compulsory course
the Principles of Marxist Philosophy from all colleges.
Liang Gives Indian Pilots Red Envelopes
The CCP Ministry of National Defense Liang Guanglie
gave cash gifts to two Air Force pilots while visiting India.
This “Red Envelopes” event is getting more serious.
Indian news media Mail Today says,
“The Secretary of the Ministry of Defense has sent a strong
letter to the East Asia division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking to lodge a protest.”
(Quote is from Mail Today’s report )
“Internal assessment of the incident suggests it was not
an innocent mistake, and that there may have been a sinister design to ‘test waters,’”
The report quoted a senior official’s words,
“Such incidents only add to the mistrust between the two
countries and it is bound to have an impact on bilateral ties.”
2012’s Confucius Peace Prize Finalists
China International Peace Studies Center is holding
the third 2012 Confucius Peace Prize.
Peking University Professor Kong Qingdong
announced the finalists on September 9.
There are 8 nominees including Panchen Lama
and Former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan.
BBC reports say most of the Tibetans don’t accept
Panchen Lama, who was assigned by the CCP authorities.
The first Confucius Peace Prize in 2010 was awarded
to Taiwan's former Vice President Lien Chan.
However, Lien Chan’s office
said that they weren’t aware of it.
Eventually, the organizer invited a child
to accept the award on behalf of Lien Chan.
Later it was claimed that Lien Chan
accepted the award by default.
In 2011, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
won the Second Confucius Peace Prize.
Xinhua Deletes Hu’s Diaoyu Islands Speech
CCP leader Hu Jintao met Japanese PM Yoshihiko Noda
on September 9, declaring the standpoint on Diaoyu Islands.
Xinhua news agency’s report was revoked in half an hour
of the script being sent out, without giving any reasons.
Xinhua provided another brief script
when the former one was revoked.
Hu Jintao says, “The Chinese government’s standpoint
is firm on the issues of maintenance of territorial sovereignty.
The Japanese side must realize the severity of the situation,
not make wrong decisions, and maintain the overall development of Sino-Japanese relations.”
The new report deleted contents such as, “China resolutely
opposes Japan in using tactics to purchase the islands,” and “China hopes Japan doesn’t make wrong decisions,” etc..
However, Xinhua recovered the deleted information
in the evening news at 8:25pm.