【禁聞】中共竊國63年 難擋三退歷史大潮








天安門民主女神的雕塑家 陳維明:「包括說法輪功被活摘器官,他們(當局)都不願意曝光,這種東西是整個共產黨的罪惡,不僅僅是王立軍、谷開來、薄熙來的罪行。」

9月12號,美國國會召開關於中共活摘異議人士器官的聽證會。 9月18號,「第21屆聯合國人權理事會」,也首次正式大範圍曝光中共活摘法輪功學員器官黑幕。這引起國際社會的強烈反響,很多國家代表和國際組織要求聯合國緊急調查這一暴行。而聽到這一驚天罪行的中國民眾,紛紛唾罵中共是「魔鬼」,並聲明退出這個邪惡組織。


幫省級宣傳部長退黨的義工 袁女士:「他說:中國大陸老百姓的手機現在很普及了,幾乎人手一份。你們趕緊抓緊這個有利條件,趕緊的發短信,讓人們都知道。這樣知道的人多了,對它(中共)的譴責就多了。」


採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/君卓


“Quit the CCP” Shakes 63 Years of Communist Rule in China

October 1st marks 63 years since the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) took power over China.
The regime, as usual, exemplified
the prosperity and "stability" that it brought.
However, surging mass protests in China,
International pro-democracy movements for China,
as well as the CCP』s life or death infighting, have all put
the regime into an unprecedented crises for it』s rule.
In recent years, the growing “Quit the CCP” campaign
has forced the CCP into a desperate corner.
Along with continuous exposure of the truth, it seemed
destined that the CCP cannot escape disintegration.
Let』s see how this conclusion can be drawn.

In 2004, The Epoch Times published an editorial series,
called "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party".
The articles profoundly unveiled the CCP』s true nature,
and was followed by a tidal wave “Quit the CCP” campaign.
The Chinese are awakening inside China and overseas,

and using their real names or pseudonyms, have
renounced the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Data from the Global Centre for Quitting the CCP showed
figure for renouncing the CCP has now exceeded 120 Million.

Among those who have quit the CCP, many Chinese
expressed that they always disliked the regime,
nor had they ever believed in “communism”.

Many quickly chose to quit the CCP after learning
the truth, and sough to liberate their mind and conscience.
The CCP has killed tens of millions of Chinese
people, destroyed traditional culture,
created a false resistance to the Japanese invasion during World War II,
and harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners,

A volunteer at the Global Centre for Quitting the CCP:
“You』re a lucky person, and I』m glad to be talking with you.
I hope you can learn more about the truth,
to know how you can truly protect yourself, okay?
We』re not involved in politics, this is exactly for life security.”
Lawyer in China: “Alright.”

This February, Chongqing』s former Vice Mayor,
Wang Lijun, sought refuge in the U.S. Consulate.
The incident has unveiled many dark secrets
among the CCP high-level leaders.
The confidential information that Wang provided to the U.S.
Consulate has since been exposed through various channels.

A recent popular microblog post by Li Jizhao mentioned
some details about Wang Lijun』s key information.
Li is secretary-general of the Chinese
Corporate Planning Association.

1. Evidence of Bo Xilai and wife Gu Kailai corruption.
2. Evidence of Bo Xilai paying off top military leaders.
3. Evidence of Bo Xilai ordering the execution
of Wen Qiang and the arrest of lawyer Li Zhuang;
4. Evidence of a plot between Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang,
in order to seize power and topple Xi Jinping.
5. Bo Xilai』s plan to launch a massive purge after
entering the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.
6. Tapes and confidential documents revealing
evidence of Bo Xilai instructing the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
It also included classified files relayed
inside the Political and Legal Committee.

However, our NTD reporter found Sina Weibo has blocked
this post, leaving only a few forwarded posts accessible.

Chen Weiming, sculptor of the 『Goddess of Democracy』
statue used in June 4, 1989: "The authorities find it hard
to expose the news about live organ harvesting
of Falun Gong practitioners, as it』s a crime of the CCP.
It』s not just Wang Lijun, Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai who are guilty."

On September 12, U.S. Congress held a hearing
on the CCP』s organ harvesting of Chinese dissidents.
On September 18, for the first time, the UN Human Rights
Council openly exposed the CCP』s organ harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners during it』s 21st Session.
The news has greatly shocked the international community.

Many country representatives and international organizations
asked the UN for an urgent investigation into this atrocity.
In China, people who have heard this bombshell, called
the CCP "the devil" and decided to renounce the CCP.

A volunteer for Global Centre for Quitting the CCP Center
told a story about a Provincial-level Minister of Propaganda.
The Minister』s work enabled him to get access
to overseas news reports to learn of the truth.
Thus, he renounced the CCP several years ago.

The overseas exposure of the CCP harvesting organs of
living Falun Gong Practitioners strongly shocked the Minister.
He gave a phone call to the volunteer, suggesting making
ample news coverage of these cases to spread the truth.

Ms. Yuan, center volunteer: "He said, the
mobile phone is very popular across China.
You all should use this opportune time by sending text
messages to their cell phones, telling them the truth.
The more people who know about the truth,
the more people would condemn the CCP."

Ms. Yuan told a story about a Chinese man, known as
a "Fifty Cent" internet commentator under the CCP.
Previously, he often made trouble
with Ms. Yuan by ringing her up.
However, he recently awakened by learning
the truth, and he renounced the CCP.
This "Fifty Cent" told Ms. Yuan that he will
spread the truth to his families and friends.
By helping them quit the CCP, he wants to atone
for his sins to take the path to a bright future.