














採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/蕭宇

Has Central Party School Become a Source of Threat to Chinese Communist Party?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Central Party School,
is the highest level institution to train party cadres.
It instills “Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought"
to each generation of CCP officials,
despite the significant social and economic changes
in the past few decades.
However, in recent years the Central Party School has faced
a potential threat, causing concerns among top CCP leaders.

Chancellor Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony
of the Central Party School this fall, delivering a speech.
He sternly raised those corrupt elements that jeopardize
the party will be cleared out from the CCP.
Xi stated that he is against unhealthy practices such as abuse
of power, personal dictatorship, and pursuit of luxury.

On October 13, U.S. Washington Post reported that,

in recent years, students of the Central Party School
are keen on building relations and forming fractions.
Most students seek promotion to middle-level positions.
Studying at the school is no longer to learn communism,
but a good place to create alliances and look for patrons
in order to enhance their own careers and wealth.

The report stated that the “passion to building
relations and form factions" shocked CCP leaders.
Disillusionment to communism and corruption
are viewed as signs threatening CCP power.

Hu Ping, commentator and editor-in-chief ofBeijing Spring
stated that officials could form strong forces through relations.

Hu Ping: “Take the CCP’s 18th Congress for example.

The arrangement made at the top will go through
the voting formality, although it is not real voting.
If these officials form alliances, they would negotiate
on whom to vote for and whom not to vote for.
Hence, they might disrupt the plan made by upper levels.
The top officials might lose their control of the situation.”

Hu Ping points out that there are many ways to connect
using modern technology, including the internet.
Moreover, promotion of CCP officials
depends on relations, not votes by the people.
So, it is difficult to stop students from building relations.

Hu Ping: "People at lower levels think of every way they can
to get close to officials above, and enter the upper levels.
Building relations is essential to them.
A democratic system is to solve this problem.
This issue shows that the CCP has to implement democracy.

Otherwise, how would it face enormous difficulties
in the distribution of power. It is very difficult."

The report said that moral corrosion led to
supreme leaders collecting enormous wealth.
Scandals such as officials showing off
luxury watches are widespread.
In response to this pressure, the Central Party School
trys to modernize the theory of Marxism-Leninism.
It has tried to modify its curriculum to strengthen
its control of the students in recent years.

A State Council official, who requested anonymity,
revealed to NTD that
students of the Central Party School must be recommended,
a required step for promotion of cadres.
Building relations and forming fractions
are prevalent in all walks of life.

State Council official: "You are from someone's team,
he is from someone else's team, and it is clearly divided.
Building relations and form fractions are
very serious at the Central Party School.
Since the Bo Xilai event, people
are carefully selecting at the school."

Accordingly, the courses at the Central Party School
are mainly educating thought and discipline of CCP members.
There is a key step that decides the prospect of the students,
that is, higher level officials will find students to talk.
The content is confidential.

90% of the students will reply to questions from
superiors. saying, "follow the orders from superiors."
Those who can propose solutions
to the problems are promoted faster.

State Council official: "Jiang Zemin
was promoted in this way.
During the 1989 Student Democracy Movement,
Jiang Zemin forbid students to take to the streets.
There was chaos in Shanghai.

Later, Jiang Zemin was brutal in family planning,
redundancies, and repression of democracy and freedom.
More severe than the Nazi fascists.

Zhou Yongkang was promoted in this way,
through his willingness to commit suppression.
He has a special plainclothes team
in the Public Security bureau.
They are mixed in with others. These
people are more powerful, and are hidden."

Hu Ping pointed out that recently, personnel arrangements
of the CCP 18th Congress could not be finalized.
If the CCP does not change its system,
the situation is bound to worsen.