






抗議PX 寧波警察與外地警察衝突


《大紀元》新聞網報導,據寧波居民介紹,這次抗議中,行惡打人的都是外地警察, 28號晚上,當外地警察在對市民行使暴力時,被寧波警察厲聲制止,過程中,警察之間曾發生肢體衝突。

另外,寧波當局阻擾海外媒體對事件的報導,也招來國際媒體組織的譴責。 10月29號,國際媒體權益組織「保護記者委員會」發表聲明說,寧波的便衣警察當天阻止英國《天空新聞臺》電視攝製人員採訪示威活動,防暴警察在將《天空新聞臺》記者和攝像等從抗議現場帶走時,將他們從臺階上推搡和拉扯下來,並有踢人的行為。此外,《法新社》記者在現場採訪抗議民眾時也遭到警方的短暫拘押。






China Central TV Focuses News Report on US Storm Sandy

Deadly Hurricane Sandy hit New York and the East coast on
Oct. 30, China Central TV (CCTV) focuses on reporting the news.
It said that CCTV reporters are present onsite
reporting the news.
However, there are no reporters on site for the news at home,
such as the thousands of people protesting against a petro-chemical plant (PX Project) in Ningbo, Zhejiang.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) news direction
was criticized by netizens.

Two photos circulated widely on internet.

One is of a CCTV female reporter reporting the news
in the storm in the United States.
The other image is of a foreign reporter being lifted up
by protesters to help him in shoot the live scene at the PX Project protest in Ningbo.

After the comparative, netizens said angrily, “If the media
won’t speak for people, people will flip the middle finger up to them.”

Tian You, writer in Guangdong: “CCTV reporters fly to the US
and without fear, stand in the hurricane, just trying to prove that the Americans are in a critical situation.
I want to ask, ‘where were you when Ningbo held protest?’”

Another netizen posted, “the 2nd and 3rd rich generation
are all in the US, won’t they panic?”

Police Clashed with Each Other During Protest Against Petro-Chemical Plant in Ningbo

On Oct. 30, as the rain continued, a week of protests against
the PX Project in Ningbo, Zhejiang came to an end.
However, many police still patrolled in the rain
in some areas of Ningbo.

The Epoch Times reported that residents in Ningbo said
during the protest, many police from other areas beat protesters.
On the evening of Oct. 28, when outside police beat protesters,
the local police came to stop them. Police clashed with each other.

Local authorities in Ningbo prevented foreign media
from reporting the event.
It was condemned by international media group.

On Oct. 29, Committee to Protect Journalists
issued a statement.
It said plain-clothes police in Ningbo stopped British’s
Sky News crews from filming the protest.
The riot police took Sky News’ crews and video cameras away,
dragged them down a flight of steps, and a reporter was kicked.
Despite this, an AFP journalist was briefly detained by police.

700 Finger-Printed Signatures Takes Place Four Times in Hebei

In June, the 700 finger-printed signatures event took place
in Ding county, Hebei.
It called for release of Falun Gong practitioner Li Lankui.

Since then, high-ranking officials from the Political
and Legislative Committee in Hebei began living in the county.
They threatened local residents, but local people without fear,
continue to press their fingers on petitions to support Falun Gong.
Over the past few months, 306, 903 and 1108 finger-printed
petition events happened.

Supporters said that Falun Gong practitioners are kind people.
Everyone should sign it to rescue them.

In June, Terry Branstad, the governor of Lowa in the US,
was invited by Xi Jinping to visit a village in Zhengding county in China.
One day before the visit, local police arrested an elderly man,
Li Lankui, who runs a recycle business.
Later, 700 villagers signed petition requesting to release him.
But the CCP illegally sentenced him 15 months in labor camp.