【禁聞】十八大閉 新常委亮相 中國何去向?













採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/君卓

Where Is China heading as 18th National Congress concludes with new Standing Committee?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 18th National Congress
concluded and
the newly selected Standing Committee members
are expected to make a first public appearance.
Both the election at the 18th National Congress and direction
of the announced future leadership have raised much concern.
People were disappointed because their hope for
reform has completely gone.
It is said that China's future relies on the people awakening
to the authoritarian and lying nature of the CCP.
Then completely abandoning the CCP.

As the seven day National Congress closed,

the first session of the Central Committee elected
members of the Politburo and the Standing Committee.
The new central committee and Politburo Standing Committee
led by Xi and Li are making a public appearance on 15th Nov.

Prior to their public appearance, people are curious at
how the central committee was elected and
how the new central organization was generated.

On the 14th, members and alternates of the Central Committee
of CCP were elected according to a list of members.
Elected members included Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang,
Wang Qishan, Liu Yunshan, Liu Yandong,
Li Yuanchao, Wang Yang, Zhang Gaoli, Zhang Dejiang,
Yu Zhengsheng, and others.

Current affair commentator Ren Baiming indicates that
the CCP election is far from being a democratic election.
The CCP election is an infighting tool to withhold power.

Ren Baiming: "The so-called election within the CCP is done
by a thorough understanding and planning ahead of time
and then conducted according to a procedure.
In fact, they had it off by heart.
The arrangement was already made internally."

Mainland democratic activist En Guan:
"There is no democracy within the party.
How can there be any democracy for the country?

There is no democratic election in the CCP.
It is appointed through some procedure."

The Central Committee of the CCP is a central authority
composed of members elected during the National Congress.
According to the CCP Constitution, Central Committee
has the right to nominate, be nominated,
and elect members of the Central Committee,
Standing Committee, and the General Secretary.
Therefore, the Politburo member, member of the Standing
Committee, and the General Secretary were not elected during the 18th National Congress.
The default candidates were elected at 100 % successful rate.

Ren Baiming: "The election is just a show.
In fact, the authority would not dare to actually practice an election.
At the level of the Standing Committee or the Politburo,
they would not dare to even do it for a show."

Ren Baiming indicates that the nature of CCP is
to control power.
Through the system of despotism the CCP control the nation.

Public elections will only cause a wave of democracy.
Their fear makes it necessary to control from within the party.

Hong Kong's Sing Pao Daily News reported that the new
Politburo Standing Committee will certainly meet the media.
However, news release from the 18th National Congress did not
state whether or not they will be open to journalists'questions.
Past experience means the newly elected Politburo Standing
Committee will only appear for photos, but no media questions.

Ren Baiming says that the CCP is like a wreck.

How far and how long it will last depends entirely on
how soon the Chinese people take to awaken.