【禁聞】文匯報竊密陷害 中南海祕書入獄















俞梅蓀表示,自己人生際遇固然悲哀,但是他保持住 「威武不能屈,富貴不能淫」的高貴氣節,他無怨無悔。

採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/周天

Former secretary of Zhongnanhai told story of being
imprisoned by Wenhui Bao’s frame-up

Yu Meisun former Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
secretary of the State Council,
was falsely accused of pirating a top-
secret document of the 14th National Congress.
He was sentenced to three-years in jail after being released,
Yu could not find a way to pursue justice and had led a very hard life.
At the opening day of the 18th National Congress, Yu Meisun
sent an appeal letter requesting an investigation of
the party committee members of Shanghai’s
newspaper Wenhui Bao.
They were the real people liable for pirating documents and
plotting the frame-up against him.

Yu Meisun had worked as the secretary of former general
secretary of State Council Gu Ming.
In 1994, he was about to be promoted to a bureau-level official.

However, all of a sudden he was secretly arrested by
the State Security Department on Jan. 31st, 1994.
On Nov. 10th 1994, Beijing Higher Court denied his appeal
and sentenced him to three-year imprisonment.
The charges were on the groundless crime of
disclosing state secrets.

On the opening day of the 18th Nation Congress, Yu Meisun
sent a letter of appeal to the new CCP Central Committee.
In the letter, he requested the judicial department to investigate
the party committee members of Shanghai Wenhui Bao.
They were involved with pirating secret documents from
Zhongnanhai and made him the scapegoat.

December 2nd, 2012, Yu Meisun told his story when
interviewed by NTD.
Yu said, right before the 14th National Congress in 1994,
the party secretary and chief editor of Wenhui Bao
Zhang Qicheng visited Beijing to have a look at
the drafted documents of the forthcoming congress.
Consequently, director of the Beijing office of the newspaper
Wang Jienan found Yu Meisun to see whether he could help.

Yu Meisun: “At the time I was unwilling to help them
because those were top-secret documents.
To persuade me, he said they only hoped to accomplish the
propaganda task for the congress in a better way.
This should be a good motivation but if I didn’t do that, they
would visit Li Wei, Zhu Rongji’s secretary to persuade him.
At that time Zhu Rongji was just promoted to vice premier.

Both he and his secretary Li Wei had only worked in Beijing
for a short time.
Considering this, I agreed to let them have a look at the files.”

Yu Meisun said the Zhongnanhai office was an extremely
important one not possible to bring any stranger in.
Therefore, he asked Wenhui Bao to pick him up with
a security vehicle.
He brought the files with him to the Beijing office of
the newspaper.

(Yu Meisun):”They had to read the files in front of me
because I could not leave them alone.
After that I came back with all the files with me.

Zhang Qicheng had learned three key points of the congress
and said he would write editorial articles following those points.
Wenhui Bao later published tens of reports during the congress,

which were officially commended by the central propaganda
working team of the 14th National Congress.”

Yu Meisun said, he revealed the information to Wenhui Bao
just to help them.
But he never thought that they would somehow manage
to copy those secret files.
Yu thought he had joint liability for that but was not a criminal..

(Yu Meisun):”In the trial afterwards, the real criminals
became witnesses against me.
They said I offered the files to them for money and allowed
them to copy them. They made me responsible for everything.
I told the judge that they were the real culprits.
They were the thieves and I had my files stolen.
There was no way that the thieves gave testimonies
against the victim.
However, the judge insisted that they were good and I was bad.
I requested a confrontation in court but was denied.”

Yu Meisun said, after being released he finally learned from
the new secretary of the president of Supreme Court why he,
rather than the Wenhui Bao staff were imprisoned.

(Yu Meisun):”I was told that Wenhui Bao was protected
by the Shanghai’s party committee.
On the other hand, nobody defended me at that time.
But in my opinion everything should be subject to the law.
Now I can see that the Shanghai-based faction inside the party
was very strong at that time.
They just aimed at suppressing the Beijing-based faction
and unfortunately I was involved.”

Zhang Yaojie, a scholar from China Academy of Art, once
wrote an article about Yu Meisun’s tragic experience.
Zhang told NTD that it was Wu Bangguo, the party secretary
of Shanghai at that time who protected the Wenhui Bao.
On the other hand, the higher officials from Zhou Enlai’s
group didn’t protect Yu Meisun..

(Zhang Yaojie): ”Yu was Gu Ming’s secretary and Gu Ming
was formerly secretary of Zhou Enlai.
Zhou Enlai’s group had a tradition, which was described by
Pan Hannian as:
『They would not save you when they should.
Instead they kicked you away.’
If Gu Ming said something to protect Yu Meisun,
he could have avoided being imprisoned.
Gu Ming was a central committee member then.”

Sixteen years after being released, Yu Meisun visited Wenhui
Bao in Shanghai sixteen times and its Beijing office ten times.
However, the director of Beijing office refused to provide
any help on behalf of the newspaper’s leader group.

Yu Meisun said that, although his life experience was tragic,

he had no regrets since he still kept the moral courage of
“not subdued by force and not tempted by wealth”.