【禁聞】「2012世界末日」近 如何逃生成話題




據《法新社》上個月20號的消息,研究瑪雅文化的專家表示,瑪雅人並沒有真的在曆法中,將12 月21號標示為「世界末日」。美國宇航局也在官方網站上公開聲明說:「2012年12月21號不是世界末日」。





王先生:「 如果是那種上天的形式,囤積也沒用啊。如果說是自然界的危機的話,可能有點用吧,因為像在中國,政府沒有任何責任(心),自己自救還是很靠譜的。我就順其自然,也不會特別的囤積,也沒辦法去囤積。」










採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/朱娣

How to Escape the “End of the World”

Dec. 21, 2012, the so-called “end of the world”,
is two weeks away.
Mainland internet sees a flood of sentences in the Mayan style.

“Doomsday panic” also appears in many places,
some hoarding food, others making “Noah's Ark”, in order to escape the disaster.
Still others take that to be pure rumor.
Will “the end of the world” really will come?
What is the best way to escape if it does?
Below are some netizens』 suggestions.

Recently, Maya Style becomes popular in Mainland China.
Netizens make humorous plans for their remaining lives.
Some says, "I would really like to ask
whether the Mayans are reliable or not.
If they are, I will stop preparing for final exams.”

Another says, “If they are,
I will go back home to chat with Mom and Dad.”

So, will 2012 be the end of the world?

Nov. 20th, experts of Mayan culture said on Agence
France-Presse that Mayan calendar does not label Dec. 21, 2012 as “doomsday.”
NASA also made a public statement on the official website
that “Dec. 21, 2012 is not the end of the world.”

However, panic still occupies some people's mind.

Media reports say many people in UK engage
in all kinds of "refuge preparation" against disasters.
They stored large amounts of food, and prepared simple tools
and weapons, so that they can live on hunting after "doomsday."

Among Beijing residents there are
also signs of doomsday panic.
Doomsday rumor circulates through cell phone messages.

Some people have started hoarding food,
including hard tack and mineral water, others purchasing life-saving equipments.

Mr. Wang from Dongguan believes that
"doomsday" will come sooner or later,
but he does not believe it necessary to hoard food, because
it is difficult to imagine what kind of disaster will come.

Mr. Wang, Chinese netizen in Dongguan: “If the disaster
comes in the form of heavenly disaster, hoarding is useless.
It might be useful for natural disasters, since China』s
government does not have any sense of responsibility,
so people can only reply upon themselves.

I will just follow the natural way.
I will not hoard, and I cannot.”

Xinjiang netizen Mr. Zhang: “Those without faith, without
morality and those evil will be taken away by heaven to punish.
The good people who cultivate themselves should be able to
protect themselves at times of disaster.”

Of course, many netizens do not believe this rumor.

Shanghai netizens Xie Dan: “We can not say that
it is absolutely impossibility.
According to the sciences, we can say there is
one ten thousandth chance of disaster, which is miniscule.”

Mr. Lu in Xinjiang province, who believes the
Mayan prophecy has raised 1.5 million yuan to build a Noah's Ark in two years.

A Hebei peasant spent 1.8 million yuan to build
six Noah's Ark since April this year. It is said that the Arks already had water test.

Netizen Li Jing believes that if there is really "end of the
world", that is only because humans do evil to bring about it.
She believes it a heavenly principle that
good begets good and evil begets evil.
When humans do not discipline themselves, heaven will.

Netizen Li Jing: “In its 60 years rule,
CCP has done many wicked things.
Do you say there will not be disasters for that?

There is even such a crime as “organ harvesting,”
killing & maiming millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Will this not cause any disasters?
Heavenly punishment is a result of worldly evil.”

Li Jing said, when science and technology fails to work,
it is simply useless to store food and water.

Li Jing: “Whatever people have built,
it is going to be useless.
If people do no improve their morality,
it will not help even if men are able to live on the moon.
I am saying that people should clearly understand this.

Now is the time when people can revoke their connection
with CCP for their personal safety. This is the ticket to the Ark.
When human morality turns around, when people
no longer help CCP to do evil, that will resolve their problems.”

No one can predict what will happen on Dec.21, 2012.

Many believe “good people will not have a doomsday
while bad people will be doomed.”
