【禁聞】提供淫亂視頻 重慶公安遭追捕

【新唐人2012年12月05日訊】提供淫亂視頻 重慶公安遭追捕
















Chongqing Official Sex Tape Providers Are Under Arrest

On Dec. 4, Zhu Ruifeng, the investigative journalist and
whistleblower of the sex tape involving a Chongqing official,
revealed that Chongqing police is arresting the sex
tape provider, who works in the Chongqing police force.
Another inside source provider also went missing.

The Epoch Times reported that Zhu said the tape provider
has been under arrest since Nov. 28, when Zhu lost contact with him.
Zhu guesses the insider hasn't been arrested yet.

Zhu said that police sent 8 to 9 policemen to stop the insider's
family members at home, and threatened them.

Zhu said another insider who provided the videotapes
also went missing.
Zhu was unable to get a hold of him for many days,
and suspects that he may have escaped, or went missing.

J-7 Fighter Jet Crashed In Shantou Homes

On Dec.4th, a Jian-7 fighter plane crashed in Shantou city,
Guangdong province.
The pilot parachuted to safety, but four residents
on the ground were injured.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that Jian-7 interceptor
crashed into homes causing roof and wall collapse, triggering smoke and fire.

Shantou city council didn't mention the accident
on its official microblog.
It only reported that there was a fire accident in a specific area,
and that of the four people injured, one was in critical condition.

The report said that the accident site was blocked,
no persons or vehicles were allowed to enter.

RFA cited military expert Huang Dong that its rare
a fighter jet crashes in a city area, as a pilot will keep the principle of protecting residents.
Once the plane encounters problems, the pilot will try its best
to drive away from residential areas, even giving up their life to do so.
Then they land the plane or eject out.

Netizens in Mainland China also criticized the fighter jet pilot
for crashing above an urban area, ignoring residents' safety.

Farmers Sent to Prevent Petitioners' Appeal Facing Lawsuit

China media reported the recent widespread concern over
the trial of Henan staff who prevented petitioners from appeal.
The ten, three of whom are under 18 years old, are farmers
employed for this job, are not CCP officials.

This news triggered netizens' debate.

They criticized the judicial for only investigating the surface
issue but not considering the man-behind-the scenes.
They feel as though civilians will always pay someone's bill.

Some netizens pointed out, “its easy to find out who did this.

The grassroots government said that the order
was from superiors.
The superior level said they too are pressured by their superiors,
level by level of investigation, who should responsible to whom?”