






林子旭:「剛剛開完的十八大,開了一個多禮拜,中共的官老爺們說了那麼多話,不都是廢話連篇嗎?胡錦濤的十八大報告不是把很多代表都說睡著了嗎?不說空話、廢話,中共的官員們就沒甚麼可說的了。不安排中資機構、華僑華人、留學生代表到機場迎接,這個說了實話了,中共領導出訪的時候, 這些所謂的歡迎隊伍都是花錢僱來。大家仔細看看這些報導,這樣的例這樣的例子太多了」






採訪編輯/常春 後製/君卓

Political Bureau's Eight New Regulations Show Communist Regime's Bureaucracy

In a meeting on Dec. 4, Xi Jinping, General Secretary
of the Communist Central Committee,
addressed eight new regulations to improve work ethics
and public relations.
The eight new regulations have been criticized and called
a perfect demonstration of the bureaucracy of the Communist regime.

The Communist mouthpiece, Xinhua, reported the new
regulations for cadres examined by Xi Jinping.
Some of the changes include regulating official visits
according to diplomatic needs,
limiting the number in an official's entourage,
taking transportation according to regulations,
following the general rule of no welcome party
awaiting officials at the airport, improve security,
reduce traffic control, and do not block roads or shut-down
buildings for security checks under normal conditions.

Political commentator Shi Da finds these
regulations ridiculous.

Political commentator Shi Da:
"It shows the bureaucracy of the regime.
If you emit the "no"from the regulations,
it's clear that they are the lords. It is outrageous.
These are the ones that can be told. There are other
(regulations) that are even more disgusting and shameful."

Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu believes that
the Communist media are demonstrating the ugly regime in a way ordinary people cannot even fathom.

Current affairs commentator Lin Zixu: "It was addressed
to the Political Bureau of the Communist Central Committee.
That means there are problems at the high level.
How can the subordinates be better?"

The eight new regulations also include increasing meeting
effectiveness, cutting the time, short talks and not using empty clichés.

Lin Zixu:"The 18th National Congress just ended.
It was a week long meeting.
Those officials have talked so much nonsense.
Hu Jintao's report put many delegates to sleep.
If there's no empty cliches, those officials
won't have anything else to talk about.
The only honesty is the 'no welcome party
to the airport'regulation.
Those officials always hire the welcome party during their visit.
Just read the report. There are too many examples."

Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News also covered
a March release in 2003, in which the Political Bureau
of the Communist Central Committee gave opinions about
improving news reports of meetings and cadres'activities.
It showed surprising similarity to the eight new regulations.

As early as 1987, the Disciplinary Committee proposed that
any communist with extortion behavior will be expelled from the party.
Commentator Wen Zhao indicates that Xi Jinping's
determination to battle corruption is not as strong as that of the Disciplinary Committee in 1987.

Commentator Wen Zhao:"Even at that time, corruption
could not be stopped. The corruption is far worse now.
Basically, all officials at the high level
are corrupt directly or indirectly.
The eight new rules will obviously not get rid of the corruption.
It's impossible without a systematic change."

Lin Zixu also indicates that these rules seem detailed,
but include nothing substantial, such as censorship and suppression of human rights.

Linzi Xu: "The Communist regime won't even be able
to commit to these superficial issues.
A new Politburo with some new measures is nothing
but a show.
It is to fool the people and safeguard the ruling
of the Communist Party."

Shi Da also pointed out that Zhu Rongji once said proudly,

"I have prepared 100 coffins, 99 for the corrupt officials,
and one for myself." Hope was finally shattered.
Shi Da would like to remind the Chinese not to be deceived
and hold any hope for the reform of the Communist Party.