











為死囚器官 醫院變刑場






Anger As China's Nobel Winner Defends Censorship

On Dec. 6, Mo Yan, winner of the 2012 Nobel Literature Prize,
spoke at a press conference in Sweden about censorship in China.
His speech continuously provoked controversy,
and many criticisms were posted online.

Wang Dan, a leader of the Tiananmen protests in 1989, posted
a statement declaring, “I am very angry with Mo Yan's speech.”
Regarding Mo Yan's “censorship is necessary” speech,
Wang Dan said, “This is shameful for Nobel Literature Prize, his sin will go down in history.”

Wang Dan said it is true that some speeches are published
online in China, but many weren't able to be.
Otherwise, what explanation is there for the existence
of the word 'sensitive', he questioned.
In addition, many people were arrested for their
self-expression on the Internet.

Ran Yunfei, an activist in Sichuan province tweeted:
“Mo Yan's superstition on state power and ignorance
of human rights is indeed shocking the people.
The point he discussed regarding censorship existing in
every country of the world is really nonsense.
Mo Yan thinks the government power is the highest,
the government is the judge of the truth, yet everyone can tell it (the government) is against common sense.”

Japan's Media: Jingang Mountain Party School a Mansion of Corruption

On Dec. 17, Japan's Sankei Shimbun newspaper published
an article entitled, “The Chinese Communist Party school: A Five Star Hotel for Exchanging Corruption Tips.”
It stated that the party school in Jingang Mountain
is nicknamed the “mansion of corruption.”

The report said that Jingang Mountain party school
is as luxurious as a five star hotel.
It is under 24-hour protection by armed police.

If any travelers or residents approach,
they are immediately stopped.

Local residents said that people who look to be high-rank
go in and out of the school everyday. What they do inside, no one knows.

The report cited a senior CCP reformist and a reporter
who know corrupt officials' inside story.
It said the place for training the CCP officials is actually
a place to drink and teach corruption.
This senior cadre revealed that
what they teach each other includes,
“how to use dead relatives' bank accounts while avoiding
the CCP Discipline Inspection Committee's investigation.”

The senior cadre believes that the major reason for
corruption is a lack of media and government monitoring.

To Harvest Organs, Hospital is Turned into Execution Ground

On Dec. 6, Han Bing, a lawyer in Beijing Hanzuo Law Firm,
revealed on a microblog that in order to harvest organs from
executed prisoners, the court turns hospitals into execution
grounds and organ trading markets.

Han Bing posted, “It just happened this morning –
horrifying a prisoner was killed.
A supreme court has informed a provincial high court
that a death penalty case needed further study,
but the provincial court decided to perform the death
penalty immediately without inform the family members.
It was claimed that the prisoner has already been signed
an agreement to “voluntarily” donate organs.
Thus, in order to keep organs fresh, the execution
took place in a hospital.”

Han Bing said that he is dealing with this case,
but it happened suddenly,
they need to wait for family members to finish the funeral,
then appeal to the supreme court.

The news drew great attention from netizens,
in a short time the post was shared over 10,000 times and 14,000 comments followed.
Many are angry and shocking by such heinous acts.

A Shenzhen lawyer, Mei Chunlai, said that this indicates
that the Judicial system has completely collapsed.