【禁聞】習近平南巡深圳 用意為何?


港媒報導說,習近平7號抵達深圳,隨後前往「前海深港發展區」參觀,並造訪了大陸知名互聯網公司「騰訊」的總部。 8號上午,習近平來到福田蓮花山公園,向鄧小平像獻花並植樹。

習近平升任中共總書記一職之後,把首次離京視察的地點,選在一直被中共稱為改革開放前沿的廣東、深圳,引來各界的推測。香港《明報》報導,鄧小平當年設立「深圳特區」,曾經三次到訪。 1992年,鄧小平通過視察深圳等地發表「南巡講話」,為中共劃定以經濟建設為核心的所謂「改革開放」路線。可以說,深圳與鄧小平的關係密不可分。習近平通過向鄧小平獻花,來試圖展現自己傳承鄧小平路線、力挺「改革開放」的形象。











採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/肖顏

What's Behind Xi's Visit to Shenzhen?

On December 7th, Xi Jinping arrived in Shenzhen,
which was his first official visit outside Beijing as new leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Oddly, mainland media did not pay much attention
to Xi's activities in Shenzhen.
On the other hand, foreign media tried to read Xi's visit
by comparing it to Deng Xiaoping's tour to southern China 20 years ago.
Analysts remark Xi's southern tour and Hu's “farewell visit”
to Guizhou were both due to propaganda needs.
This suggests that CCP will continue its strategy
of “left politics, right economy.”

According to Hong Kong media, Xi Jinping arrived
in Shenzhen on December 7th.
He visited Qianhai development zone and the headquarter
of Tencent, a famous information technology corporation.
On the morning of 8th, Xi visited Linhuashan Park
in Futian borough.
He planted trees there and presented flowers
to the statue of Deng Xiaoping.

As the new CCP leader, Xi chose Shenzhen
to be the first place of his visit outside Beijing.
This leads to a lot of speculations since the CCP always
regards Shenzhen as a frontier of its economic reform.
Hong Kong's Ming Pao published an article mentioning
Deng Xiaoping's three visits to Shenzhen, which he established as a special area for his reform.
In 1992, Deng visited Shenzhen and other cities
in presenting his “southern tour speeches.”
Those speeches defined the CCP's route of “Reform and
Opening up,” which regarded economic development as the key target.
Shenzhen is a place closely associated
with Deng Xiaoping.
Therefore, Xi may attempt to present himself a supporter
of the “Reform and Opening up,” by presenting flowers to Deng's statue.

President of New York Democracy University Tang Boqiao
spoke to NTD on the issue.
Tang thinks, whether Xi continues Deng's route of
“Reform and Opening up” or not, the situation in China will not change significantly.

Tang Boqiao (President, New York Democracy University):
”The CCP can make some changes in its framework.
For example, the State Council cut the number
of departments from over 20 to over 10.
More people from so-called democratic parties may be
selected as vice mayors or provincial governors.
It may also hold some People's Congress elections
at the primary level.
However, it still continues to persecute Falun Gong
practitioners and other dissidents.”

Tang Boqiao believes that Deng Xiaoping is a slaughterer
of Chinese people himself.
Therefore, the CCP's route of “Reform and Opening up,”
established by Deng, is a deceptive strategy against the Chinese people.

Tang Boqiao: ”It is an extremely crafty way to keep
the CCP's dictatorship and control Chinese people's mind.
Such a reform is a sugar-coated bullet to provides civilians
with the illusion of better future despite the fact that CCP continues its pillage and suppression against them.”

Hu Jintao stressed in his speech at the 18th CCP congress,
CCP “would walk on neither an old path, nor an evil road.”
Outsiders read this as the CCP's announcement of refusing
real political reform and keeping the strategy of “left politics, right economy.”

Between December 1st and 6th, Hu Jintao made
a “red tour” to Zunyi, Guizhou.
Hu had been the leader of Guizhou province for three years
and this was his first visit out of Beijing after stepping down.
However, Hu's “farewell tour” was not reported
by any official media until December 6th.

Tang Boqiao: ”CCP has united its talking inside the party.
This is just a show for the global society because they have a much higher standard for the CCP government.”

Tang mentioned, there is a common global trend
of dictatorship regimes starting to disintegrate.
Democratic reforms have taken place in countries
such as Myanmar and Vietnam.
However, the CCP did not show any signs
of lifting the ban on political parties and the press.
Tang remarked that the only choice for the CCP officials
is to rejoin the civil world.

Tang Boqiao: ”What does it mean
to rejoin the civil world?
Just like what Thein Sein has done for Myanmar,
you should release political prisoners like Aung San Suu Kyi,
return the freedom of election and speech to the people,
and welcome dissidents back to the country.”

Tang Boqiao concluded that CCP lags far behind the global
community and faces elimination by the Chinese people.