【禁聞】養老金雙軌制 收支缺口日益擴大















採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Increase of Imbalance Appears in China's Pension System

As the population ages and the economic growth declines,
the pension insurance expenditures are becoming an obvious problem.
On Dec. 17, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
published a report pointing out that in 2011,
China's urban workers pension received less than
expenditure in 14 provinces,
a balance gap nearly 76.7 billion yuan higher than in 2010.
Pension accounts are short of more than $ 2 trillion yuan.
Some people comment that China's pension system reflects
the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ability to govern the country.

According to the report released by the Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences,
there were 14 provinces suffered pension losses in China in 2011.

The payments gap increased to 76.65 billion yuan,
much higher than that in 2010.
Over half of them were from the three northeastern provinces
and the rest from the south-central and northwest provinces.

New Tang Dynasty special Economic Review Expert
Jason Ma: "The entire pension gap problem, in fact,
associates with China's current pension structure,
such as personal accounts and social pooling factors.
In the social pool, the portion provided by enterprises
is very large.
Each employee of an enterprise has to pay 20% of
his salary as pension, which is rarely seen in the entire world."

The Chinese pension system is divided into two categories,
personnel at institutions retirement pension, and corporate officers' retirement pension.
Both systems have different implementation.
The outside world called the pension system, “a dual track."

Within the retirement pension "dual track" system, enterprise
employees and enterprises pay according to certain standards;
pension of organizations and institutions is provided by
the state, considered a part of the state financial expenditure.
This allows quite an unreasonable pension income gap
between the businesses' retired workers and those of the organizations and institutions.

It is understood that corporate employee pension
contribution accounts for 28 percent of their wage income.
The organizations and institutions are not included
in the social security system, not requiring payment.
However, the retirement pension of workers from
the organizations and institutions is three times as much as the enterprise workers.

Jason Ma: "The best benefit goes to the CCP inner circle.
For example, some cadres of the armed forces,
or the senior cadres of the CCP, are actually
taking up to 80% of the entire medical money.
The CCP's pension system, in fact, is the CCP's ability
to rule China.
Its problems result from lack of transparency in financial
allocations and the uneven distribution of wealth in China,
instead of from wages rising too fast or people making
too much.”

An Academy of Social Sciences report also showed
that the billing amounted to 2.4859 trillion in 2011; that is 2.2156 trillion in the red.
The personal accounts also broke the 2 trillion mark
in the red in 2007.

It is understood that the early design of the pension insurance
system relies on active employees to pay, and thus,
part of their contributions provide for the pensions of
retired workers, and the rest goes into their own accounts.

The personal account is just a virtual account, and some
places, in order to meet current payment needs of a large
number of disposable accumulated personal account funds,
turn the personal account into an empty account.

New Tang Dynasty special Economic Review expert
Jason Ma believes that with the pace of GDP development
in China, plus an annual 20-30 percent fiscal revenue,
the pension gap should have been filled.

Jason Ma: “China can come up with the money
to supplement the pension system,
but the Chinese regime favored a face-saving project,

such as spending 400 billion yuan for the Olympic Games
instead of allocating the money to the reserve fund and enriching pension finances.”

China has entered an aging society, and as of the end of 2011,
the 60-year-olds and above population reached 185 million.
Zhu Yong, deputy director of the Committee on Aging, says
the 60 years of age and older population will exceed 200 million in 2013.

Economist Lang Xianping's article also disclosed
that institutions such as the Bank of China released a research
report predicting China's pension gap will reach 18.3 trillion
yuan in 2013.
