【禁聞】「習家軍」上位 習近平有別胡錦濤






對此,時事評論員林子旭表示,這次 「團派」人馬算是最大的贏家,由此可以看出,胡錦濤與習近平之間的聯盟關係,不過,習近平又有別於胡錦濤。











採訪編輯/常春 後製/王明宇

Xi Different from Hu

On 18th December, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced
a new round of personnel changes, which was interpreted by
foreign media as the personnel of Xi Jinping
moving into position.
They also pointed out that the new personnel changes showed
two things that Xi and Hu share a mutual alliance,
but are still different.

On 18th December, the CCP announced a new round of personnel
changes involving the five provinces of Guangdong,
Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Jilin.
Hu Chunhua was appointed as Guangdong provincial party
secretary, Wang Jun as Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
party secretary, Xia Baolong as Zhejiang provincial party
secretary, and Zhao Zhengyong as Shaanxi provincial party
secretary, and Wang Rulin as Jilin provincial party secretary.

It was learnt that Hu Chunhua, Xia Baolong, Zhao Zhengyong
and Wang Rulin all belong to the Tuan group.

Hu Chunhua was even known as the 『Little Hu Jintao』 in the
political arena, and was said to be deeply in Hu's favor, and
is regarded as the leadership core of the sixth generation.
In addition, although Wang Jun is not a member of the
Communist Youth League, he worked for many years in the
Shanxi Province as the deputy of Yuan Chunqing who is in the
Tuan Group, thus Wang can be counted
as a half Tuan Group member.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Chen Miner from the Zhejiang Province has served as governor
of the Guizhou Province.

Xi Jinping served as Secretary-General of the CCP, and his old
forces were called Xi's Army.
Foreign media say that the CCP series of personnel changes
mark the commencement of ruling under Xi's forces.

Political commentator Lin Zixu: members of the Tuan Group are
the biggest winner this time.
From it we can see the alliance between Hu Jintao and
Xi Jinping, however, they are still different.

Political commentator Lin Zixu said: Xi Jinping is different
from Hu Jintao.
Several years after Hu Jintao came to power, he was
unable to really control the power.

However, Xi Jinping, with a princeling origin, may have many
advantages that Hu did not have.

In earlier times, the Politics and Law Committee was referred
to as the second power center, and became the root of
disasters caused by Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai in
civil world and within the CCP.
Zhou Yongkang and Bo had opportunities to compete with Hu,
making Hu again fall into the dilemma of blocking any decrees
going out of Zhongnanhai.

In February 2012, Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai's event destroyed
the political career of Zhou Yongkang as the secretary of
the Politics and Law Committee, which had been downgraded
in the 18th National People's Congress (NPC), coupled with
Hu's complete resignation, it is widely believed that
Xi Jinping may be in a better situation than Hu.

Political commentator Shi Da said: not like Hu Jintao,
Xi Jinping was not interfered with
greatly by 『the old forces』.

Shi Da: In the 18th NPC, Hu Jintao resigned together with
Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong.
This trick may have worked, making the era of the
old forces' ruling come to an end.

According to media reports in China, the CCP internal meeting
introduced internal regulations, that is, all senior officials
within the CCP could not interfere with politics after
retirement, including the chairman of the CMC, with no
exemptions on personnel in the retirement period.

Asia Week of the Hong Kong had reported before that Wang Yang
will serve as the vice premier of the State Council during the
two sessions of 2013, being responsible for coordinating the
next step of reform plans, and his role is very important.

Lin Zixu said: Of the seven Standing Committee members,
although Jiang's personnel is the majority, from the overall
situation, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Wang Qishan are ruling in
high profile positions while the rest of Jiang's forces seem
to have turned into a kind of decoration.
Meanwhile, Little Hu Jintao- Hu Chunhua
governed the big economic province, Guangdong, Wang Yang
is also expected to enter the central committee to
assist Xi Jinping, thus Xi Jinping should be
in a sound situation soon.

Lin Xixu foresees that Xi Jinping also won the initiatives in
the personnel layout, and may have bigger actions in future.

However, Shi Da believes that although Xi Jinping has the best
time period, we should see if he has the wisdom.
Shi Da said the Chinese should not
hold too much hope in the CCP.