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採訪/李韻 編輯/周平 後製/鍾元

CCP’ Unscripted Speeches: Honesty or Chaos?

After the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th congress,
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang began with new leadership rules.
Leaders are requested to give speeches
by using as less scripts as possible.
The CCP’ officials’ culture is to read
every word written in the script.
Thus, it is a test for each official to give unscripted speeches,
it is important and it influences their career.
Will giving unscripted speeches lead to honesty,
or chaos amongst officials? Let’s take a look.

For a CCP’ governmental leader, the most important speech
is the one of presenting his work report.
The Southern Weekly newspaper in mainland China reported
that in a serious occasion, such as work report, leaders will read a script without an error, there is no room to play.

For some leaders, the script is indispensable:
it is a sign of respect to secretarial team and the audience.

The report said that in real life leaders talk with formality.
Regardless of the meeting, they will read without thinking.
They neither take responsibility for,
nor are worried about things going wrong.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor in Hebei People’s Radio Station:
“To let an individual talk, there is a risk of making mistakes.
Or you’d be seen as not “being on the same page” with others.
Therefore this habit of reading scripts had taken place.
This system is the leading cause
of forming such a stubborn and formal nature:
to do things with lack of flexibility, and to not be able
to deal with complicated situations and conflicts.”

Now, to change the habit of reading scripts
is becoming CCP’s next goal.
On December 4, 2012, the Central Politburo held a meeting,
and everyone agreed on eight rules to improve their work, and keep close ties with civilians.
It specially mentioned, “to streamline the meeting,
and practically, to improve the meeting quality.”
“To improve meeting’s efficacy by having short meetings,
and to talk concisely, avoiding empty and formality talks.”

Hua Po, Current Affairs’ commentator believes,
officials usually use assistance to prepare their scripts.
However, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang
intend to be different.
Hua Po said that the key point is how to do it,
how to do it practically, without the empty talk!

Hua Po: “In the past, leaders read script in the meeting,
Xi and Li intend changing this to win the public.
Their scripts are certainly prepared by their secretaries,
but to use them or not, or how much to use, is up to them.”

The report pointed out that actually,
the new Politburo has taken the lead in this.
On November15, Xi gave a speech in a press conference,
and he talked to the point, approachable and practical.
Later, Li Keqiang interrupted official’s speech in a national
work meeting, asking them not to read the script. In addition, he raised prompt questions.
In an anti-corruption meeting, Wang Qishang requested
officials to use less formalities and the scripts.

Li Yuanhua, History Professor, China: “The aim of a speech
is the key. However, all of them now focus on the surface.
Such as you must abandon the script,
and express yourself.
Actually, Wang Qishang and Li Keqiang can’t say
what they want, they have to consider many things.
They have to consider the CCP’s different factions interests.
Most of their speeches were also not from their heart.”

The report says, with the increasing spread of Internet,
officials realize they can "use their speech to fight for people’s support."

Hua Po: "How to handle tens of thousands of petitioners?

To persuade them to abandon their petition visits,
and to return or resettle their looted properties?
How to take care of the sick,
and to create a fair education opportunities for children?
Or how to disclose fully officials’ ownerships?
These are all facts that people want to know about."

Recently, Xi Jinping used the Internet terms
“accumulate positive energy” as elements of his speech.

Prof. Li Yuanhua emphasized,
what is the purpose of Xi’s speech?
Does he really serve the people, or himself. Talking for
the sake of ensuring his position, is the major point!