



被捕五個月 朱承志移送檢察院



川震災民李依乾 被判5年徒刑




吳文遠涉妨擾胡錦濤車隊案 押後審





Chinese Plane Seen Four Times Over Diaoyu Islands

A Chinese patrol plane has been observed above
Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands on four occasions.
On December 25, the Japanese defense
ministry said that they found the Chinese
plane belongs to the national Coast Bureau.

It entered the Diaoyu Islands, about
100 km north of the Islands airspace.
The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force
scrambled fighter jets in response.
The Chinese plane did not enter Japanese airspace in the end.

On December 13, the Chinese plane
appeared above the Diaoyu Islands.
On December 22 and 24, the plane approached
the Islands at a distance of 100 km away.
On December 25, the Japanese Air Self-Defense
minister said in a press conference that
in order to assert sovereignty over the Islands, China will
continue to send aircraft to approach the “airspace”.
The Air Self-Defense Force has
strengthened vigilance in the East Sea.

Activist Zhu Chengzhi Handed to Court

After Hunan activist Zhu Chengzhi was held
for 5 months, the authorities moved him
to court for “crime of suspicious subversion.”

The news was obtained after Zhu’s wife
checked with police on December 25.
The website Chinese Human Rights
Defenders cited lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan.
Prior to this, the police verbally promised
Zhu’s wife to release Zhu before December 25.
However, Zhu must admit his charges.

Zhu is a close friend of Li Wangyang,
the pro-democracy activist who died.
Zhu constantly requested that the
authorities investigate Li’s death.
After Zhu was arrested, many activists in China
had been calling the authorities to release him.

Sichuan Earthquake Victim Sentenced to 5 Years in Jail

On December 25, a victim of a Sichuan 5.12 earthquake
Li Yiqian was sentenced by Beichuan county court
for 5 years in jail for crime of “disturbing social order.”

Li said in court that he would appeal. Several
hundred people came to court to support him.

Li was a head of the human rights activists in
Yongchang township in Beichuan, Sichuan province.
He exposed local officials' corruption and authorities'
embezzlement of 50 million Yuan from compensation fees.
Thus he has been detained.

On March 7, 2012, Li went to Beijing
with 50 earthquake to appeal.
On the way to Beijing, they were stopped by
authorities, and in April, 2012, he was detained.
In early December, Beichuan county court rejected
his case to the police station for further investigation.
Meanwhile, they persuaded his family to let Li promise
that he would no longer appeal, then he can be released.
The request was refused.

Sources said that Li and his family members
said that they would never accept the so-called
“compromise conditions” to gain freedom.

Hong Kong Activist Avery Ng Arrested for Throwing T-Shirt to Hu Jintao

Avery Ng, Vice-Chairman of League of Social
Democrats in Hong Kong was arrested by police.
This is because he allegedly threw a T-shirt at the
CCP Chairman Hu Jintao’s motorcade in June, 2012.

On December 24, the hearing was held
in Tsuen Wan court in Hong Kong.
Avery Ng was charged with causing a public nuisance.

Avery Ng denied charges, and the
trial was adjourned to Feb. 2013.

Avery Ng was bailed out after paid 1000 Yuan.
He said outside court that the charge wasn’t clear.
The police arrested him 6 months after the incident,
and he believed that it was “political persecution.”
The League of Social Democrats issued a statement
saying that police are biding their time for punishment.