













採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Southern Weekly Incident Escalates

Protest against the alteration of the Southern
Weekly's New Year editorial has escalated.
On January 7, hundreds of Guangzhou
supporters took to the streets.
They called for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
leaders to grant more media freedom in China.
Now celebrities and top business
people in China also joined their ranks.
Reportedly, the Southern Weekly incident
was a test of the CCP new leadership.
The international community viewed it as an indicator
to see the CCP regime's incoming policy of media control.

“Shall we join in the support of freedom of speech? Yes, we shall.”
“Shall we support the Southern Weekly? Yes, we shall.”
This is a scene that occurred when netizens rallied
outside the Southern Daily Group's headquarters.

Flowers that were laid on-site to signify the death
of free speech were taken away by the police.
The CCP authorities' suppression of the
public protests have aroused public fury.
Celebrities including writer Han Han, movie star
Li Bingbing and Yao Chen, joined the supporter ranks.

Film star Yao Chen has over 32 million
followers of her Weibo microblog account.
Earlier on, Yao posted the Southern Weekly's logo
in her Weibo, and a quote of former Russian dissident.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “One word
of truth outweighs the whole world.”

Dou Yi, CEO of a blog service provider, published
an article in support of the Southern Weekly.
The article said, “telling black from white, an action
is undertaken to create the future of us and China.”
“Only in this way can we, like most people in the
world, breathe freely in the future with dignity.”

Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gave
public support to the Southern Weekly's protest.
It viewed the protest as a test for the CCP new leadership.

Under the Xi Jinping administration, will a 'tight' or 'loose'
will be used by the CCP regime to media control?
The Southern Weekly incident will
serve as a test Indicator, said the DPP.

Lan Shu, Critic: “On one hand, the Southern Weekly incident
embodies many appeals from China's people and media.
They call for free speech and freedom of thought.

On the other hand, it shows that differences exist within
the CCP top leadership, toward their next step of reforms.”

Some analysts stated that behind this incident
was Liu Yunshan, part of Jiang Zemin's faction.
Liu coerced Tuo Zhen to deflate
Xi Jinping's "constitutional dream”.
Media commented that Hu Chunhua, Guangdong's new
Party chief, is facing his first big test since taking office.
Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily cited informed sources.

It reported that Hu Chunhua summoned a meeting
of provincial CCP leaders to seek a solution.

Lan Shu: “Hu Chunhua is Guangdong's CCP top leader.
Liu Yunshan is the Politburo Standing Committee member.
Is it Hu Chunhua who has the final say? No, it isn't.

Now this increased influence has shown that with
regard to how to deal with such a sharp social conflict,
the CCP top leaders in China are still at odds."

Li Tianxiao, Critic: “Some people made use of this incident
in order to push Xi Jinping to launch democratic reform.
Xi's southern tour has left the public with some hopes.

But Xi himself has actually confused the public more,
as sometimes he was rightist, and sometimes leftist.
So many people believe that Xi
might stage certain reforms.”

Li Tianxiao remarks that whether Hu Chunhua
or Xi Jinping cannot do anything about constitutionalism.
This will fail if they to desert the CCP system first.

Li Tianxiao: “Inside the CCP system, but driven by outside
influence from public opinion, they're mired in a dilemma.
If it fails to satisfy public demand, his attempts
for constitutional reform is only a disguise.”

The original title of the Southern Weekly New Year editorial
was "China's Dream; the Dream of Constitutionalism."
The article proposed that only under
constitutionalism, can China have continuous
prosperity and safeguard people's freedom.
Reportedly, the New Year message was later
altered by the Guangdong CCP propaganda chief.
It was changed to "We Are Now Closer
to Our Dream Than Ever Before".
A netizen posted, “an article calling for the
authorities to implement political reform, but
was replaced with a commentary glorifying the CCP.”
“This indicates that under CCP one-party rule,
China's future is always just a dream.”