【禁聞】陸媒曝光10大成語 暗諷新聞聯播?



其中,《新聞聯播》最常使用的10大成語榜單中,「繼往開來」和「堅持不懈」首次進入榜單,而「堅定不移」、「一如既往」、「前所未有」、「長治久安」、 「與時俱進」、「實事求是」、「來之不易」和「豐富多彩」等成語繼續位列10大成語。



大陸網友張建中:「官媒不也講了嘛,新年獻詞講了:努力說實話。 以前沒說過實話,所以在新的『繼往開來』當中要說『實話』。這透露出好些(好多)信息。」






原《河北人民廣播電臺》編輯 朱欣欣:「(官媒)所有的宣傳,無論甚麼樣事態的宣傳、新聞,最終都要完全符合核心的官方意識形態。它不能離開這一點。所以時間長了以後,它只能造成語言的殭化。」





採訪/朱智善 編輯/李謙 後製/蕭宇

Top 10 List of Idioms Used in CCTV News

A 2012 top 10 list for media was recently released in China.

The list ranks the top 10 Chinese Communist
Party idioms most frequently used in CCTV News.
This top 10 list is seen as media professionals’
mocking CCTV, the official party media.
They have to express it in a complex and obscure way,
to evade Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s censorship.

The Communication University of China recently
released a ranking list for top 10 media presence.
The listings spans 19 categories, five of which are
directly relevant to CCP official media CCTV News.

In the top 10 list of idioms most frequently used
in CCTV News, “carrying on past traditions and
opening up a way for future” and “unremitting
adherence” was in the list for the first time.
The top eight idioms are “must not waver”, “as ever”,
“unprecedentedly”, “long-term political stability”,
“advancing with the times”, “seeking truth from facts”,
“hard-earned”, and finally, “rich and colorful”.

The news drew attention from netizens.

A netizen commented on CCTV News using
another common phrase, “lying through teeth”.

Another netizen invented his own top
10 list of idioms to mock CCTV News.
This included “resorting to deceit”,
“a dirty shame”, “calling white black”, “whitewashing” and “acting like a buffoon”.

Zhang Jianzhong, China Netizen: “Didn’t the official media
say in its New Year’s goal it would try to speak the truth?
What does that mean? It means that
they haven’t told truth in the past.
So in their new claim of “carrying on past traditions and
opening up a way for future”, they try to “tell the truth”.
This statement has revealed a lot of information.”

Zhang Jianzhong gave an example that official media
never reported on the Foxconn workers protest.
In contrast, it gave all-out reports on the 100-yuan increase
for pensions, although it cannot offset the rise in prices.

Chinese Netizen Mr. Qian views CCTV as a
brainwashing tool for the CCP authorities.
He discerns that CCTV programs are full of lies and deceits.

Mr. Qian: “We all know CCTV News, it’s the CCP’s mouthpiece.

I have no words for it, I just feel
sick on those words in the reports.”

Previously, netizens summarized a “CCTV-News normality”.

“In the first 10-minutes, CCP leaders are very busy,
either going abroad or inspecting the countryside.”
“In the middle 10 minutes, people across China are very
happy, either gaining wealth or reaping bumper crops.”
“In the last 10 minutes, other countries are suffering misery,
either experiencing explosions or confronting rebellions.”

Here are some netizens’ descriptions of CCTV News:

“Every Party meeting has a grand opening.”
“Every leaders speech is significant.”
“All popular morale has to be heartening.”
“Every achievement is tremendous.”
“Every Foreign ministry’s representation is solemn.”
“Every diplomatic talk is a full success.”

Zhu Xinxin, former editor, Hebei official radio station:

“All forms of official propaganda, including media coverage,
have to align with the regime’s ideology, which is a must.
So over a long period of time, they have
created a rigid way of linguistic expression.”

Zhu Xinxin remarks that the rigid CCP ideology
and thick propaganda is a form of "Party culture".
This has made the entire Chinese population
irrational and has lost it’s personality.
Zhu Xinxin says that the "Party culture" brainwashing
has caused people to have rigid thinking patterns.
It has even triggered mental alteration within them, but
they as victims themselves are often unaware of that.

Zhu Xinxin comments that the news of the top 10
list of idioms sets CCTV News as the target of taunting.
This also shows that China still has
many conscientious editors and journalists.

Zhu Xinxin: “They aren’t willing to act as an official
mouthpiece, but want to voice their own opinions.
So they have to express it in a subtle and indirect way.”

Zhu Xinxin explains that due to a lack of freedom
of speech in China, people have to express
in obscure ways, in order to evade censorship.
In fact, it mirrors a kind of distortion of the Chinese mindset.
