【禁聞】十面「霾」伏 北京又「淪陷了」

















採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Severe Air Pollution Once Again Grips Beijing

In the last few days, China’s central and eastern areas
have suffered continuous severe pollution weather.
Beijing’s air quality levels have gone off the charts.

The city’s official responsible for monitoring the
environment admitted that it’s a rare weather event.
The environment monitoring centre issued two alerts
in two days, warning people to avoid outdoor activity.
The foggy images of Beijing look like a mirage.

UK media reported that heavy smog engulfed Beijing,
and that there is very bad air pollution in the city.

Beijing Environmental Protection authorities
issued an article on the last day of 2012.
It said that, “since 1998, Beijing’s air
quality has made lasting improvements.
Under unprecedented efforts and work, Beijing’s air
pollution prevention has achieved remarkable results.”

However, within 10 days, Beijing
was enveloped in a thick smog.
The sky was yellow, with a PM2.5 level
exceeding 900 micrograms per cubic meter.

The World Health Organization considers a safe PM2.5
density as less than 10 micrograms per cubic meter.
The higher the figure, the more serious the air pollution.

Zhang Dawei, Director of Beijing Environment Monitoring
Center, spoke of three features of the Beijing smog.
That it is “wide-ranging, long-lasting, and high-density”.
Zhang said that historically, the recent smog is rare.

Staff of China’s Environmental Protection Ministry:
"This is the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Beijing’s climate has been quite poor for quite a while.

Some polluting companies have re-started their
production, in addition to motor vehicle emissions.
The city’s number of vehicles has greatly
increased, which creates more pollution.
These factors combined together, leading
to the recent severe haze in Beijing.”

The Beijing air quality index keeps hitting record highs.

Breathing pollutants daily, Beijing’s
citizens couldn’t help but crying out.
There is a widely circulated online song, called
“Beijing, Beijing, Blanketed in Dense Smog”.

“A heavy smog filled every street here in Beijing,
air quality index keeps hitting record highs.
Buildings rose up around us like fairyland pavilions,
faintly visible are masks all over here and there.”

In Beijing, visibility has been reduced
to only around 200 meters.

“Visibility has dropped to only around 200 meters,
just like the distance between property
developers and supervisory officers.
People question and ponder in heavy haze,
exploring how to settle the issue of air pollution.”

Netizens criticized that the CCP authorities’
boast of happiness, while ignoring that
ordinary people are living in deep distress.

“Who is boasting of happiness, but
neglecting their duties on governance?
Who is singing amid heavy smog,
reminding people to keep alert?”

Chinese people couldn’t help but miss the air
quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympics period.

Staff of the Beijing Environmental Complaint Center:

“During the Olympics, the city alternated when it allowed
cars on the road, based on license plates being odd or even.
The air pollution is a result of many impacting factors.

We’ve done something to help ease the situation,
such as disabling some old motor vehicles.”

During the Beijing 2008 Olympics, the CCP official data
on air quality was questioned by the international media.
Fang Li, spokesman for Beijing environment authority, said
he could still clearly remember Beijing’s air quality in 2008.

On January 15, the Singtao Daily quoted report data.

It said that seven out of the ten most polluted
cities in the world are located in China.
Less than 1% of 500 large cities in China
meet global standards in air quality.