【禁聞】去留成謎 「學習粉絲團」戀戰微博
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/王明宇

The Whereabouts of the Mysterious Xi Jinping Fan microblog

The mysterious Xi Jinping fan’s microblog has accurately
disclosed Xi Jinping’s itinerary for weeks.
On the 11th, the microblog said goodbye to netizens,
but claimed it would return the next day.
This mysterious microblog, which has nicknamed Xi
Jinping Xi Dada, has drawn much attention for releasing
news about Xi Jinping faster than the CCTV and
any other mouthpiece media,
posting exclusive photos of Xi Jinping on his official tours,
as well as photos of his family life in year’s past.

In just a couple of months, the Xi Jinping fan microblog
registered on Sina has drawn more than 800,000 viewers.
On the 11th, this microblog announced its closure,
citing “not being accepted by the public” as its reason.
It decided to leave with regret and remorse over its
causing distress for certain individuals.

The microblog stated, “Good bye.
I was happy to come, and I leave with many thoughts.
My endless tears and my lonely torment….”

While much speculation was taking place regarding
the departure of the microblog, on the 12th, the microblog continued its activity.
At noon on the 13th, a photo of Xi Jinping from CCTV
was posted on the site.

The mysterious goodbye and return has caused
even more speculation.

Writer Jing Chu: “At first it claimed to be a female netizen,
and then admitted to be a male college student.
It started with a lie.
Who would believe it after being lied to?”

The identity of the mysterious microblog showed as a female
with “Her Main Page” and “Her Album” and suggested the user registered as a female certified by Sina.
It was speculated that the user could be Xi Jinping’s daughter
or a member of his team.

However, a few days ago, Zhang Hongming told
the Associated Press that he, an ordinary grass root from Sichuan, is the user of the microblog.

Only people of special identity will be able to get those
close-up photos.
How can an ordinary person have such accessibility?”

On the 12th, upon returning, the mysterious microblog
responded to netizens’ question,
“I am fine. No trouble attached. I am back.”

It is believed that this microblog has its
special political channel.

Zhu Ruifeng, moderator of jdwsy.com: “This microblog
praises the new leader everyday, and there is no criticizing.
It meets the new leader’s needs.
It imposes no threat. It is different from us.
We criticize intensely, we criticize the system,
and we criticize the leaders.”

Why would it leave if it meets the leader’s needs?

Zhu Ruifeng: "Perhaps it was the pressure
from some governmental departments.
Some support the new leader,
some don’t for different interests.
One pressured the microblog and forced it to close;

but the other immediately stepped out and
allowed it to reopen. It could happen that way."

Whether it is trying to use microblogging to create a friendly
image of Xi Jinping, or attempting to block such a behavior,
it clearly states the opposing forces within the Communist
Party, and the significance of the Internet voice.

Zhu Ruifeng: “Everyone knows the fact about
China's official media.
No one believes the regime’s mouthpiece.
99% of their reports are possibly false.”

Deutsche Welle reported that this mysterious microblog
is a product of the dark politics of the regime.
Zan Aizong, a veteran journalist, indicated on Tuesday
to overseas media that this microblog is possibly backed by the State Information Office.
Its fate is subject to be manipulated.
