









北京律師唐吉田:「近年來,大陸的一些所謂精英,這個所謂的貴族,實際上是偽貴族,精英,他們在這個社會所應該承擔的責任,所應該承擔起來的道德,或者法律上這種作用,沒有承擔起,反倒一些人成為破壞道德 然後挑戰法律的某些急先鋒,所以人們對他們有各種各樣的懷疑,各種各樣的猜測,也是在所難免。」


大陸律師李天天:「這是典型的在這種專制國家權大於法的現象,李雙江他很有錢財,很有勢力,在北京。 他對他孩子的教育也是問題,這種事情發生了,作為一個父親,所做的應該是,讓孩子接受懲罰,接受法律的制裁。」




採訪編輯/李韻 後製/蕭宇

Inside Story of Li Tianyi Gang-Rape Case Continues to Unravel.

The gang-rape case involving Li Tianyi,
son of singer Li Shuangjiang, is continuing.
On February 26, news was released on a micro-blog
that Li Tianyi had been released on bail.
The day before, an online message revealed
that the victim had withdraw her lawsuit.

A settlement had been reached.

It was also unveiled that Li Tianyi's family
was carrying out a planned rescue operation.
The family had got legal advice from lawyers
to help Li Tianyi escape legal sanctions.
Commentators don't consider this
news groundless or without basis.

On February 26, a netizen alleged in his micro-blog:

“At 8:26 am, Li Tianyi released
on bail, is on the way home.”

The news aroused criticism among netizens.

They think it is a provocation against
the rule of law and the Constitution.
Some netizens disbelieve the news, saying
that Li Tianyi could not have met bail conditions.

Tang Jingling, Lawyer, China: “As we've learned so far, if
he is charged for involvement in a gang rape, it's unlikely
he would be released on bail, since rape is a felony.

But it seems that the news was not officially released.

So it's possible that they might
change the charges by some means.”

On the evening of February 24, another
netizen revealed in his micro-blog:
“Beijing sources said, lawyers had
offered advice to Li Tianyi's family.
1. Any confession should only be
that Li Tianyi was an accomplice.
2. The victim should be defamed as a bargirl,
in other words, of doubtful character.
3. The family should collude with others to accuse
the victim of making extortionate demands afterwards.”

The next morning, Ding Laifeng, former
deputy editor of "PR Magazine", which is
sponsored by CCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
exposed more information on his micro-blog.

“Reliable sources said that a planned rescue
by Li's family is now going on as follows:
1. News is being released that Li Tianyi's father was so
angry he was hospitalized, aiming to soften public attitude.
2.The family is having legal professionals
rewrite the facts of the case.

3. Negotiations are going on with hotel staff (the
scene of the gang rape) to change their testimony.

They are to say that the girl victim was not coerced.

4. Pacifying victim's family members, with compensation
offered for them to reach a settlement out of court.

The same day, at around 5pm, a netizen's micro-blog said:

“Insiders revealed that the girl victim of Li Tianyi's case has
withdrawn the lawsuit, and agreed to reach a settlement.”
Furthermore, “Parents of Li Tianyi and of the other four
suspects have offered compensation to the victim.
This includes a Beijing permanent
residential permit, job and real estate.”

Tang Jingling: “A lot of relevant
information has appeared on the internet.
I noticed the earliest one was saying that a police
insider had disagreed with how the case was handled.
So he disclosed the information to the media. It seems
that some people want to uncover the inside story.”

Tang Jitian, a Beijing lawyer, also
doesn't view it as groundless news.

Tang Jitian: “In recent years, China's so-called
elite, or the noble strata, are actually pseudo-elite.
They should've borne social responsibility and
acted as moral models, but they've never done this.
On the contrary, some of them have
ruined morals, and challenged rule of law.
So it's no surprise the public
speculate and doubt them.”

China's lawyer Li Tiantian says that
Li Tianyi's case is a public prosecution.
The police cannot stop the investigation only because
of the victim's forgiveness or her withdrawing her lawsuit.

Li Tiantian: “This case represents an instance
of authority overriding the law in China.
Li Shuanjiang is very rich and powerful.
But he didn't do well on his child's education.
As this crime has happened, as a father, he should
ask his son to accept the legal punishment.”

Tang Jitian suggests that Li Shuangjiang and his wife,
if they have any respect for law, and any conscience,
should cooperate with the police to bring this to light.

Tang Jitian: “He should ask his son to bear the legal
liability for his part, instead of making efforts covertly
to reduce or escape his punishment altogether.

I think such tactics will ruin his son's futur

Also, it's an offense to fairness and community justice.”

The allegedly 17-year-old Li Tianyi, in 2011, was
sent to a re-education center for one year for
having attacked a couple, and smashed their car.

Afterwards, Li Tianyi changed his name to Li Guanfeng.

On February 21, he was detained on
suspicion of involvement in a gang rape.