













採訪/田淨 編輯/周平 後製/鐘元

National Soil Pollution Data: State Secret or Public Asset?

In 2006, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP)
and the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) conducted a joint soil pollution survey.
However, the data is yet to be made known
to the public.
On January 30, Beijing lawyer Dong Zhengwei requested
MEP to publicize the survey data.
MEP replied that the data is a “state secret”
and cannot be disclosed.
The public believes the soil pollution data is closely related
to people’s health.
Thus MEP cannot simply use the excuse of “state secret”
to deprive the public from its right to known.

Via online submission and email, Dong Zhengwei
submitted two requests urging the MEP to release the data.
One of the submissions requested to publicize the methods
used during the investigation and statistical data;
the other requested to publicize the cause of soil pollution
and the prevention measures.

Dong Zhengwei says, he received an official reply
on February 24.
The MEP wrote, “The National Soil Pollution survey data
is a state secret, according to the provisions of Article 14 of the Open Government Information Regulations.”

Dong Zhengwei: “They make decisions according to their
will; this is a shortcoming of the currently existing legislation.
From the existing dozens of regulations, environmental data,
especially soil pollution, does not count as a state secret, as defined by Article 14.”

Dong said, prior to this, MEP told media several times,
they would release the results after State Council's approval.
However, Dong thinks the ministry did not release
the data because it shows how severe the pollution is.
Soil pollution data closely relates to the Chinese
citizens' health and life safety, Dong explained.
It is also associated with public interests.

Not releasing the data with the excuse of being “state secret,”
the MEP is obviously acting against the spirit of Open Government Information Regulations.

Dong Zhengwei: “This requires all of us to summon up our
courage, to struggle against an uncivilized and illegal actions.
Then actively implement the provisions of the law,
to uphold our rights, to supervise the government.
Only by doing so can our society move forward.”

According to Xinhua News report from July 18, 2006, MEP
and MLR jointly held a nationwide soil pollution survey.
The survey cost one billion RMB (US$159 million),
yet the results have never been released.

On February 24, UK’s Daily Post reported
on China’s soil pollution.
The BBC circulated this report,
written by Tom Phillips from China.

The report said, experts in Baiyin City of Gansu province
believe firmly that the cause of the locals' health problems is not cancer but heavy metal poisoning.
The soil and grains had been detected to contain
an excess of lead, copper and cadmium.

Wu Lihong, a volunteer at an environmental protection NGO,
thinks the cause of pollution in China is rooted in corruption.

Wu Lihong: “Because different kinds of environmentally
unfriendly enterprises are allowed to exist, the water, soil and the atmosphere are all contaminated.
However, if these enterprises are shut down,
the financial benefits would be gone.
There exists the problem of local government
lying to the levels above and below it.
What it pursues is definitely benefits and group interest.
Individuals often fish for gains.
Say a government official's salary
is 10,000 RMB a month.
If he gets involved with bribery, then he gets stocks from
enterprises, making much more than 120,000 RMB a year.”

Reports say some people firmly believe soil pollution
is a greater threat to China’s people and economy.
Some estimate that arsenic, lead, copper and cadmium
have already polluted 10% of China's agricultural land.
Reports also show that in October last year, after a six year
research, China State Council announced a national “soil protection” project.
Though the research details have not been made public,
state-run media said, this cautioned leaders at the highest level of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.)

Wu Lihong: “These public servants don’t do anything!
They take CCP's money and do nothing practical, but fishing for gains for friends and relatives.
They change methods to fish for gains.
So these people’s servants all have their own enterprises.”

Wu Lihong is a farmer of Zhou Tie County in Jiangsu, who
started paying attention to local environmental problems in the early 1990s.
Since 1998, he had been reporting the pollution problem
of Tai Lake to the media and government.
For more than 10 years, Wu reported over 200 cases
of illegal sewage disposal by various enterprises, and is crowned “Tai Lake Soldier” by the Mainland media.