【禁聞】李克強十大豪言壯語 能否兌現﹖



一、機構改革要有壯士斷腕的決心; 二、特困群眾的生活要由政府「兜底』;三、當官就要斷髮財夢; 四、政府要過緊日子,約法三章;五、我為中國利益工作; 六、喊破嗓子不如甩開膀子;七、讓明規則代替潛規則; 八、觸動利益比觸動靈魂還難;九、行大道,民為本、利天下;十、再深的水也要趟!













採訪/常春 編輯/李韻 後製/鍾元

Will Li Keqiang's Ten Grand Promises Be Fulfilled?

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) National People's
Congress (NPC) ended, new premier Li Keqiang answered
questions raised by Chinese and overseas reporters
on economy, anti-corruption and foreign relations.
He also stated that the reform has entered into the
“deep water zone,” and promised it would continue.
However, CCP premieres always state grand promises
when taking the position. How do people interpret them?

After NCP's first Meeting of the 12th Session
concluded on March 17th
more than 700 Chinese and overseas reporters
attended Li Keqiang's inaugural press conference.
Li Keqiang answered questions from 11 reporters and
talked about the goals during his tenure.
Chinese netizens summarized his speech into ten points.

1. To have strong determination in organizational reform;
2. The government to support the livelihood of the extreme poor;
3. Officials to stop thinking about getting rich;
4. The government should be frugal in spending;
5. He will work for the benefit of China;
6. To put into action is much better than to talk loud;
7. To replace hidden rules with transparent processes;
8. It is more difficult to touch the benefits than touching the soul;
9. Follow heavenly rule, to treat people as the foundation,
and to benefit the world;
10. To continue no matter how deep the water is

U.S. China Issue Researcher Zhang Jia pointed out,
each CCP's new premiere would make grand promises.
If people see through the nature of the CCP,
they will not take it for granted.

Zhang Jian: “The CCP talks about publishing officials' assets,
but a large amount of CCP officials have their family overseas.
When Zhu Rongji first became the premier, he said:
100 coffins, 99 for corrupt officials and one for himself.
CCP officials play with people again and again.”

In 1998 Zhu Rongji stated during his first press conference
as the premier: No matter if there are bombs or abyss ahead,
I would go forward without hesitation, nor regret.
I will work with all my energy and rest only when I die.

When investigating the corruption case of Chen Xitong,
Zhu Rongji made a famous statement:
“Anti-corruption should start with the tigers and then
the wolves. We should not let the tigers run away.
I have prepared 100 coffins. One is for me.”

However, since the mid 90s 16,000 to 18,000 CCP officials
ran away with about 800 billion yuan.

When Wen Jiabao became the premier in 2003, he stated
he would “treat national interest is a matter of life and death.
He would not shed responsibly for personal interest.”

In his 10-year tenure, he called for political reform numerous
times. Political reform is still a “dream” to society.

During the CCP's Two Sessions this year, new Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference Chairman Yu Zhengsheng and NPC Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo,
who leaving the position, both clearly stated their views:
CCP high-level leadership refuses to reform politically.

Commentator Wang Beiji pointed out that CCP leaders have
been exploiting on people and are afraid they will rebel.
So they have pushed to the front packaged premiers,
who seem to be honest and kind.
People would have hope in them which avoids immediate
overthrowing of their power.

Wang Beiji: “Now the shameless CCP has released a new term.
In the past they used ‘The New Regime of Hu and Wen’.
Now they have ‘The Era of Xi and Li’.
It is a group of dictators, passing powers to each generation.
They have been using this method to train its successors.
Li Keqiang is also a trained character in this system.”

Wang Beiji thinks Li Keqiang inherited Wen Jiabao's script,
and has new plots.

Wang Beiji: “He talked about reforming power and control,
or anti-corruption.
I also witnessed him saying he would reduce public spending,
to have the central government as the role model.
These are all insignificant. They dare not touch upon the
foundation of the CCP's core crimes.”

Wang Beiji also pointed out that
the CCP has been playing political games.
The leaders talk about insignificant topics to fool people.

They let the 1.3billion people wait and hope, so that
it can continue another 10 years. Then it will have another new premier.