












採訪/陳漢 編輯/張天宇 後製/李若琳

Can Xi Jinping’s Eight Rules Save the Chinese Communist Party?

After assuming office, Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) leader, has initiated a fight against corruption and required CCP officials to change their working style.
Xi raised “Eight Rules”,
in trying to save the CCP’s image.
However, the lavish fetes in CCP officialdom still continue,
and have even become more overt.
Commentators say that Xi’s political course, by using image
to save the Party, cannot save the rotten-to-the-core CCP.

China’s official data show that each year, CCP officials
spend 300 billion yuan for public-funded banquets.
Its annually published expenses for vehicles exceed
400 billion yuan, 13% of the nation’s total fiscal revenue.
The CCP officials’ lavish consumption, using public money,
seems to have become a custom.
Ordinary Chinese folk have shown anger over this,
but they feel helpless.
In order to change the image of CCP members,
CCP new leader Xi Jinping raised “Eight new rules”.

Incipiently, Xi ‘s eight rules appeared to
have some effect.
Luxury hotels saw significantly fewer
public-funded banquets.
However, this was just a flash in the pan.

Private clubs or understated canteens soon became
venues for officials’ dining, in even more lavish style.

(Ex- deputy chief editor, Southern Talent News)
Zhu Jianguo: “Xi Jinping’s eight rules are all actually the stuff of Mao Zedong.
The rules are supposed to change work style
without publice supervision.
Society or this Party, cannot be truly clean.”

China’s CCTV reported on some private clubs located
in Beijing’s parks, temples, or alleys.
Actually provide more distinguished services than
general upscale hotels, and charge higher food prices.
Reportedly, these places have become new dining venues
for CCP officials.
Xi’s eight rules have thus become
a mere scrap of paper.

Zhu Jianguo: “So Xi’s eight rules are nothing but show.
It is a new form of upgrading corruption.
Dining either in the hotels or in private clubs,
is all the same thing.
Over past decades, the CCP has declared too many times
its banquet meal standards, but nothing has worked.
So it will only lead to upgraded corruption.”

Hong Kong’s political critic, Willy Lam,
has commented in one of his articles.
Lam wrote, since Xi Jinping took power, his political
dressers have worked to create a “Xi Jinping style”.
The goal is to establish Xi’s prestige, and maintain
the CCP’s "permanent" ruling party status.
Commentators say that this way of using surface image to
save the Party is only a palliative.

(Independent critic) Xing Tianxing: “The CCP itself is a big
malignant tumor, in it’s terminal stages.
Xi is actually a particle
of this malignant tumor.
To use analogy, for treating a body rotten to the core,
his eight rules are even weaker than quack medicine.”

Zhu Jianguo: “Xi’s eight rules certainly
cannot save the CCP.
The key problem is that it puts old wine
in new bottles.
Its essence is actually
Mao Zedong’s way of thinking.
Mao’s tenet was that the top CCP leader oversees officials,
and inner-party supervision governs the Party itself.
But the Party finally became terribly
political corrupt.
In Mao’s own words, one-third of the regime
was rotten.”

Commentators say that so far, there is no way to save
the CCP from its internal rot and its autocratic image in public minds.
So neither political reform or Xi’s eight rules will
work to make an image change.

Xing Tianxing: “In fact, the CCP cannot be saved
after having gone so far.
The only choice is to desert it.

Otherwise, its existence will continue to
endanger the nation’s survival.
So for any person who has ideals to save the country,
he should think of how to disintegrate the CCP.
That is, he should think of taking
another approach to save this nation.”

In his article, Willy Lam commented that Xi’s tactics
“behind the disguise of” beautiful words ,cannot conceal his “ultra-conservative thoughts”.
Willy Lam questioned, can Xi’s Party-jargon wordings
really touch those CCP members who are lacking in faith ?
those wordings that have been labeled
a “spiritual deficiency of calcium”?