【禁聞】黨報民調自揭謊言 中共高層難堪













胡平:「因為在這種專制社會裡,最大的問題人們就是看不清楚民意所向,因為當局自己製造偽民意、假的民意 ,到底甚麼是真的呢,這個就不清楚了,它的真的民意沒有顯示的方式,沒有顯示的管道,這次雖然是很小的一件事,而且維持的時間那麼短,但是它確實說明了很大的問題,就說明至少,中共現在的做法,它採取的它的三個自信,根本就站不住腳的。」


採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Poll shows the CCP lies

“People’s Forum”, the online forum of “People’s Daily”
conducted a public opinion survey recently.
The result showed that about 80% of the public don’t
agree with the statement.
The statement said “only the CCP could lead people to take
a good road to socialism with Chinese characteristics”.
Besides, there are more than 80% of people who are
opposed to the political pattern of multi-party participation under the leadership of the CCP”.
Commentators believe that the most meaningful part in
this survey is to expose the CCP’s lies.
It embarrasses the CCP leadership.

“People’s Forum” recently conducted an online survey
named “confidence, belief and faith”.

The survey was divided into four parts: 1. Do you agree
that the CCP has enough courage and wisdom to accelerate reform?
2. Do you agree with the statement “to uphold and develop
socialism with Chinese characteristics is conducive to the
fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of China?
3. Do you agree with the statement “only the CCP can lead
people to the good road of socialism with its characteristics?
4. What is your opinion on the political pattern “ multi-party
participation under the leadership of the CCP?

In addtion, each of the parts has four options:
A. totally agree; B. agree; C. I do not know; D. disagree.

Nearly 3,000 people took part in the voting until around
11:30 am on April 15.
Around 10% people chose “totally agree” option.
Over 80% of people chose “disagree”, which is clearly the
absolute majority opinion.

Around 12:00 GMT, several netizens mentioned that the
voting feature of the survey was closed, but the voting result was still there.
Around 14:00 GMT, the survey result and the voting
webpage were totally closed.
The related content in
microblogs had been deleted.

Hu Ping, the editor in chief of Beijing Spring Magazine:
“They have a public display, and this display is based on official website figures.
It must embarrass them.
In fact, they really know about it.
The most meaningful part of this event is here:
the CCP has uncovered the official mystery.
It means that the official propaganda
is an outright lie.

Hu Ping said that “People’s Forum” is important to the CCP,
it is known as China’s No.1 thought forum portal.
However, it only represents the thoughts
of it’s officials.
Free-thinking people, dissidents and human rights activists
seldom visit the forum.

According to the questionnaire design, there is a “disagree”
option, which is very rare.
Why did the authorities include this option?

Hu Ping: “Does it mean that CCP leaders are really confused?

Maybe the self-deception statement ‘three self-confidences’
confuses them.
They may think that people believe them.

Don’t they know that the people
dislike them very much?
This survey is a surprise to them.
Or maybe some of them know what is going to happen
and they just use the survey for their own purposes.
It is difficult for us to understand this clearly.”

The 18th CCP National Congress report mentioned
“three self-confidences”: road confidence, theory confidence and
institution confidence.
It also mentioned that they are going to resolutely
take the “road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

Besides, this investigation was rapidly closed.

Hu Ping thinks that it shows that the authorities are afraid of
displaying public opinion.
At the same time, Hu Ping said the survey result is very
helpful for those who want to assess the situation.

Hu Ping: “In this authoritarian society, the biggest problem is
that people do not know the true the public opinion.
The authorities create a pseudo-public opinion and
cover the reality.
What is the real public opinion? We don’t know.
There is no way for the real public opinion to be known.
This current survey is a very small event with such a short
time of public exposure .
However, it does illustrate the main problem.

It shows at least that the CCP’s three self confidence
proposal is simply untenable.”

Hu Ping pointed out that the CCP has produced an illusion,
they want to show their support by sounding people out in a survey.
In fact, for the CCP leadership itself it is more clear than for
anyone else: it is an unwanted regime.