【禁聞】「三公經費」 預算出爐 公開的騙術?










謝田:「中國沒有這個限制, 要發多少國債,把老百姓銀行的錢要拿多少出來投資,甚至多印多少鈔票,全都是中央政治局那幾個人說了算,那實際上他們根本不在乎通貨膨脹的影響,也不在乎中共官員利用通貨膨脹來大勢搜刮老百姓的錢財。」






採訪編輯/劉惠 後制/孫寧

China Releases “Three Public” Spending Budget

On April 18, China's Finance Ministry released the 2012
actual expenditure on “three public” spending, and the 2013 budget.
Over the years, “three public” spending has garnered
public criticism, and has now become a public focus again.
Commentators say that the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)
authorities have always overshot their budgets.
And that much of the “three public consumptions” are still
hidden from the public.
Thus, the CCP's official budget on “three public” spending
is actually a hoax.

China has released the actual “three public” spending figure
in 2012 and the 2013 budget.
In 2012, the actual expenditure overshot its budget
by 111 million yuan.
The released 2013 budget is 126 million yuan less than
the 2012 expenditure.

Guo Yongfeng,founder, Chinese Citizen Watchdog:
“It's deceitful.
It is a prodigal government, a lying government, and
deft at lavishing taxpayers' money on glorifying its own image.
Civilians have come to understand it now.

Today, only lack of corruption is worth reporting in China,
whilst corruption is too common to be newsworthy. ”

Gong Shengli, China's Financial Think-Tank researcher:
“In China, the annual official budgets have always
Overshot their limits.
They have used related data as a mere formality,
a show for citizens.
China's government is comprised of seven layers,
its central authorities can only reach down to the provincial level.
Usually, local authorities issue their own data.”

Gong Shengli reveals that three public spending for
authorities below provincial level is outside the state budget.
He says that in China, the financial budget is used by
the Party and by the government.
How much the Party has used of the budget
is absolutely confidential.
The officially released budget on three public spending is
only for the government,
the Party's own budget
is far greater than that.

Is there such a thing as “three public” spending
in other countries?

Xie Tian, Professor of University of South Carolina-Aiken:
“The US government won't get the money asked for if
Congress doesn't pass the budget.
Some unimportant state departments
could even be closed if expenditure was not agreed.
Every penny that the US government uses is subject to
congressional approval.
For the US state governments and city halls, there doesn't
exist a notion of three public spending.”

The U.S. has strict rules on the use of official cars,
which are not available for private use.
For example, an official can only drive his own car or
take the subway for the journey from home to work.

Xie Tian explains that if the U.S. government's
actual expenditure exceeds its budget,
The Congress would allow it to issue limited-scope
treasury bonds.
He says that the issuance is severely restricted,
and often becomes a target of non-ruling parties' criticism.

Xie Tian: “There isn't such a restriction in China.
How many treasury bonds can be issued,
how much money to be taken out of banks for state
investments, and how many extra currency notes to be printed,
only a few top CCP leaders have the final decision.
So they actually don't care
what the impact of inflation will be.
Neither do they care if CCP officials plunder
ordinary folks' wealth through inflation.”

In sharp contrast, China's grassroots citizens are still
leading hard lives.

Guo Yongfeng: “Ordinary folks' lives are quite difficult.
It's no work - no meal, so they have to work day and night.
They already feel there is no hope.”

Due to the bird flu threat, lots of poultry has been killed
in China recently.
Xie Tian speculates that the country's inflation
will pick up speed .
It won't impact the ruling class' easy living, but once again,
it will negatively affect civilians' daily lives.

Once, in an interview with CCTV, Wang Xixin,
professor at Peking University, revealed an official figure on “three public” spending.
It was 900 billion yuan, nearly 30% of the
total state budget of that same year.

Media commented that the three public spending
can “eat up ” - cover the cost of 30 aircraft carriers yearly.
If this money can be used to buy more weapons
and more school buses,
isn't that the most meaningful thing to
strengthen the nation and benefit it's people?
