【禁聞】5.12祭奠 家長無自由權

【新唐人2013年05月13日訊】5.12祭奠 家長無自由權



因為前一天,有幾十名國保及便衣人員圍堵在周興容家門外,告訴她「不要去學校」 。









胡佳被國保毆打 禁外出





Parents Of Sichuan Earthquake Victims Forbidden To Mourn Their Children

May 12th is Motherds Day 2013, as well as the 5th anniversary
of Wenchuan earthquake.

In Juyuan high school of Dujiangyan, Sichuan, 284 students
lost their lives in the earthquake five years ago.
A parent of one of the victims, Zhou Xingrong witnessed the
school building collapsing in seconds when the earthquake struck.
Zhou told media that, even on the anniversary of the deaths,
she had no freedom to mourn her child.

The day before, many secret security police and
plain clothes officers blocked Zhou Xingrong's door.
They warned her "don't go to your child's school".

In Mianzhu, many parents gathered at FuXin second preliminary
school on May 12th where their children died in the earthquake.
Since they were forbidden by security police to set off firecrackers,
the parents burned paper money outside the school to mourn.

One of the parents Sang Jun told 64tianwang.com, local
officials had repeatedly visited all 126 parents of victims.
They were warned not to hold activities on the spot.

Sang also revealed that, the school's liability insurance
purchased by them had been embezzled by the local officials.

In Wenchuan earthquake, about 7000 school buildings
collapsed, resulting in deaths of over 5300 students.
Many parents required the authority to thoroughly investigate
whether jerry-built construction existed in those schools.
However, the Chinese Communist party (CCP) has not admitted
any quality issues in construction of collapsed school buildings.

In 2009, some experts examined 44 school buildings in
earthquake-stricken areas;
57% of them were damaged so badly that
they were unable to be repaired.
This is four times higher than that of government buildings.

500 Residents Smashed Building Of Village Committee In
Fei County, Shandong Province

On May 12th the residents of Fei county, Linyi city, Shandong
province smashed a building of the village committee.

The incident took place in Shixing village. A villager told
64tianwang.com that the town government was selling soil which was ravaging their lands.
When the villagers again protested at the town headquarters
on the evening of May 12, several females were assaulted.
They were injured by the town’s party secretary and
his gangster followers.
The angry villagers then smashed the building
of the village committee.

The villager said that the assaulted females were seriously
injured and were still in hospital.
The government did not take any responsibility for them
so they had not been given treatment.

Hu Jia Beaten By Secret Police And Grounded At Home

As the day of June 4th approaches, Beijing human right
activist Hu Jia was beaten by secret security police.
He received multiple soft tissue contusions on his body.
He was also forbidden to go out to purchase necessities.

According to a report, Hu Jia said that although he knew that

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was tightening control on
him as June 4th approached, he was mentally prepared for that.
However, he was still a little surprised at being assaulted.

Hu Jia said "coming events cast their shadows before them."

From his experience, a massive suppression
over June 4th dissidents will come soon.