















採訪/林莉 編輯/張天宇 後製/周天

Law System Fails in China

Liu Zhijun, the CCP’s former director of Minister of Railways,
was accused of taking bribes and abuse of power,
he was sentenced to death by a Beijing Court
in the first instance.
Most of the legal professionals regard
this result as expected,
but the public was outraged and even disappointed.

Most netizens believe that Liu Zhijun’s
sentence was lenient;
but there was also satire from netizens,

Liu Zhijun's reprieve gave reassurance to millions of
corrupt CCP officials who regularly and blatantly take bribes.
Some lawyers also lament that
Liu Zhijun did not die, although the law has died.

On July 8, the Beijing Second Intermediate
People's Court made a first instance on the bribery and
abuse of power case of Liu Zhijun,
the former director of the Ministry of Railways,
Liu was sentenced to death, suspended for two years,
and deprived of political rights for life,
all of his personal property has been confiscated
as part of his sentence.

Beijing lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan: "I think that sentencing
him to death with reprieve is not surprising.
From the point of view of the trial,
it only took half an hour with so many materials,
The trial was concluded with only one hearing,
and it announced the results quickly
I feel this is a process of going through the motions,
would a perfunctory trial sentence him to death?"

For the outcome of the trial of Liu Zhijun,
the majority said it had been expected.

Ge Shucun, Chinese anti-corruption network founder:
“It has been expected for a long time, it’s normal
How many officials above ministerial level
have ever been sentenced to death?
The death penalty was certainly not expected. I discussed
this with experts and scholars, and we share this view.
Officials above provincial and ministerial level will not
be sentenced to death for internal malpractice."

Liu Xiaoyuan: "A death sentence with reprieve is also
a death sentence, but without implementation.
with two years in prison, if he does not re-offend,
death with reprieve will be changed to life imprisonment,
he will then not be executed. This will give him a
two-year test period, which is a legal requirement.”

However, people in China were surprised,
disappointed and outraged over Liu Zhijun’s sentence.
Netizens have been accusing of dirty dealing
and injustice by the authorities,
voices calling for Liu Zhijun’s death are overwhelming.

Liu Xiaoyuan: "I noticed that in online public opinion,
many were surprised by his sentence of death with reprieve,
some had expected it, but the result was very disappointing.

I launched an investigation on Sina microblog
for views on his sentence.
Many had taken the survey, but it was closed
soon after the start.
It was not allowed to be talked about publicly or openly.

Before the blog closed, it was widely felt that
Liu was sentenced too lightly,
with most netizens feeling that he
really should have been executed.”

Some netizens predicted, Liu Zhijun will
become a lifer, from death with reprieve,
and then after a while will get a certain term,
eventually being released on medical parole.
Some netizens also said ironically that corrupt officials
will now be able to sit back and relax hereafter.

Liu Xiaoyuan: "It is currently China's largest corruption
case. If the defendant is not sentenced to death,
there will not be any corrupt officials sentenced
to death in the future.
If this is so, the ruling party can be said to be full of evil,
and be assured to corrupt! It will be more rotten, corrupt."

Facing strong condemnation of the outside world,
the CCP's mouthpiece argued that
the trial of Liu Zhijun showed the hand of
authorities “fighting flies and tigers.”
Because Liu Zhijun confessed to his criminal acts,
coupled with stolen money and losses being recovered,
he can reasonably be given a lighter punishment.
These remarks angered netizens even more.

Liu Xiaoyuan: "It is said his attitude was good,
and that he had helped recover stolen money,
but this is not a valid reason for the leniency of his sentence.

He did not have statutory mitigating circumstances,
these are very important.
Liu Zhijun surely belongs to Tiger level, then to fight
tigers, the strength used should be much more,
you can not use the strength of fighting with flies,
it is certainly not enough with which to fight tigers.
When there is a death penalty in criminal law,
there should be justice, and not selective enforcement."

Liu Xiaoyuan gave out examples of officials sentenced
to death for accepting bribes before.

In 2000, Cheng Kejie, former vice chairman of the
NPC Standing Committee, as well as Du Xiaoyun,
of the former State Food and Drug Supervision and
Administration Bureau, got death sentences,
also included in examples given were a number of
corrupt officials who had earlier been executed.

Lawyers also pointed out that the trial of Liu Zhijun,
made more people see the fragility of the rule of the CCP.
Lawyers believe that it is not the law that is unfair,
but that it exists in name only and not adhered to justly.