【禁聞】媒體「進口」傳言 官方為薄案試水
















採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/周天

Official Media "Import" Rumors To Test Public Response

July 12th, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s mouthpiece
media, "People's Daily" and other main Chinese medias,
were reproduced in the "rumors" reports overseas,

it was stated that the Bo case may go on trial
between July and August.
However, this manuscript was suddenly
removed on the 14th of July.
Comments have said this "domestic exports" news
shows that
the CCP wants to test the public response
to news on the Bo case.

Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, said on the 12th that

The Bo case may put on trial in July or August at
Jinan Intermediate People's Court.
The article did not mention the source of the rumor,
repeatedly stating it was unable to verify any relevant information.
However, the People's Daily overseas edition
and the Chinese Portal quoted these "rumors" on the same day,
and after the rumor was transmitted by
the major Chinese major portals,
the article was suddenly deleted,
and disappeared.

On the 10th, Radio France Internationale also reported
the court date for Bo Xilai’s case.
Citing the person who is familiar with the case, that
currently defined offenses of Bo are mainly for bribery.

Former researcher of China "Rural Development
Research Centre", Yao Jian Fu believes that
the regime’s test is for trying to isolate the Bo case.

Yao Jian Fu: "If they isolate Bo’s case, it means they will
deal with the charges against Bo himself, uniquely.
If so, I think, they will not deal with the issue of ‘routes’,
‘political ties,’ and other leaders or officials.
All other related officials can escape from
these crime charges."

Chinese authorities announced previously that
Bo’s case is related to the Wang lijun case,
and the abuse of power with his wife;
"serious misconduct" or "harboring sin",
as well as his having had affairs with
numerous women, an extremely complex case.
In addition, Bo was also involved in a coup plot,

the offense of live organ harvesting of
Falun Gong practitioners,
however, these two issues have not been
officially mentioned as yet.

Yao Jian Fu thinks that if the regime charges Bo with
"bribery", he is likely to escape the death penalty,
unless more powerful evidence is found,

such as evidence pointing to his involvement in
"organ harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners".

Yao Jian Fu: "I think those crimes will not
be exposed, since anything that will damage the party's image,
will not be put on the party’s record,
how can they mention that in court?"

Yao Jian Fu said, the Chinese authorities handled the
bribery case of Liu Zhijun, the former Minister of Railways.
This indicates that Bo’s sentence
will not be as serious as Liu’s.
Liu Zhijun received a death sentence with a
reprieve on July 8th.

Wang Juntao, Dr of political science,
from "Columbia University"(US), thinks that
The Bo Xilai case also involved Zhou Yongkang,
former secretary of the Central Political and Law Commission.
This will directly affect the qualitative sentencing
in Bo’s case, so the outcome remains to be seen.

Wang Juntao: "It now appears that
the political struggle on issue of Bo has not ended."

People's Daily quoted reports on how Bo’s
sentencing will be an important benchmark on
how hard Xi Jinping wants to fight with the 'tiger'
in view of outsiders.

However, Yao Jian Fu did not
express an optimistic view on this.

Yao Jian Fu: "I think China's democratization
will be a long process,
a lot of work needs to be done,
we need to work together.
It is impossible for a certain kind of leadership, or for
China to suddenly be a constitutional democracy."

Analysts say that the process of Bo’s case is the
process of struggles with the Communist Party.
With all the infighting, their bottom line is
still maintaining the Party.
The Bo Xilai case has too much impact,
so the CCP wants to minimize this impact.
This is why they are testing
public opinion on the Bo case.