【禁聞】胡錦濤智囊力挺習近平 談假民主







5月開始,劉雲山操控的中宣部,又刻意掀起了反對普世價值、和憲政民主等「左潮」言論,先是發出「關於當前意識形態領域情況的通報」文件,接著連續發出「五不搞」、 「七不講」,及「九號文件」與「高校通知」等。










採訪/常春 編輯/李韻 後製/朱娣

Analysts: theorist’s use of word “democracy” is fake

Yu Keping was a key theorist of the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) leader Hu Jintao and his circle,
as well as a deputy director of the Compilation
and Translation Bureau.
Recently, Yu published an article titled,
“How to Achieve Orderly Democracy.”
The article was said to support Chinese leader
Xi Jinping and his “China Dream.”
Analysts say that Yu’s article symbolizes
Xi Jinping’s counterattack of the Jiang Zemin faction.
Yet Yu’s use of word “democracy” is compromising
to the CCP’s monopoly, and his description of democracy is false.

On July 13, CCP’s mouthpiece, Beijing News,
published Yu Keping’s article.
The article criticized the saying that democracy
can cause social unrest.

This article was considered to be in support
of Xi Jinping’s “China Dream.”

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator, pointed out that
this article seems to be a slap in Liu Yunshan’s face,
who belongs to the Jiang Zemin faction
and is a member of Standing Committee.

Lin Zixu: “This article wasn’t just casually published.

It likely there is a big man behind the scenes
to manipulate it.
From a power struggle point of view, this is a Xi Jinping-
Li Keqiang faction counterattack towards the Jiang’s faction, which is represented by Liu Yunshan.
Xi and Li now clearly know that the CCP is collapsing,
the CCP, like a broken boat, would bring them to sink together.”

After Xi Jinping took office, he vowed to implement
the “China Dream” and “Constitutional Dream.”
Yet in the new year, the Guangdong propaganda office
deleted the word “Constitution” from Southern Weekly’s new year editorial.
The censorship triggered protest
by Southern Weekly’s journalists.
It’s reported that Liu Yunshan, who was a minister
of the Central propaganda ministry for ten years, was behind the scenes.

In May, Liu Yunshan’s propaganda ministry implemented
an anti universal values and constitutional system order.
In addition, they carried out a series of rules
such as the “Five No’s”, “Seven No’s,” etc.

CCP mouthpiece media went against the constitutional
system, and attributed a “constitution” to “capitalism.”
Thus, Xi Jinping’s reputation has dropped
to the lowest level.

In June, during a Politburo meeting, Xi Jinping requested
Politburo members to maintain support of the central power.
In addition, members must seriously
carry out the Politburo’s decision.
Major issues must be proposed and approved
according to the principle.

Media in Hong Kong said that Xi publicized the Politburo
conflict, indicating a serious problem exists at the high level.
Xi’s tight control is not only a warning to current Politburo
members, but also to senior leaders behind the scenes.

Nevertheless, Yu Keping’s article echoed Xi’s words
at the June Politburo meeting.

Lin Zixu said that Yu is brave to have written such an article,
however, the article doesn’t mean anything.
Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang initially planned to do something,
but the CCP system is controlling everything.

Lin Zixu: “In other words, this article is likely propaganda
to brain-wash civilians so as to ease the current crisis and social controversy.”

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer, said Yu Keping’s
democracy plan didn’t cover all the bases.

Hua Po: “He seems like a constitutional Monarch
of the late Qing Dynasty.
He urges the CCP to follow people’s will, nevertheless,
there are many other non-democratic factors.
Thus Yu’s democracy absolutely isn’t Western-style.
The democracy he said, was fake, and is under the CCP’s rule.”

The article said that in order to carry out democracy,
there should be no social unrest, but it takes time to achieve this.
Lin Zixu argues that in fact Yu’s words are looking
for an excuse to prolong the CCP’s survival.