7月27號,美國《國家評論在線》(National Review online)發表一篇題為《謀殺法輪功(修鍊者)作藝術?》的文章,指出國際人體展覽的一些遺體,可能是來自被謀殺的法輪功學員,而他們的器官在塑化之前也可能被摘取。
這篇文章由美國探索研究院的高級研究員、生物倫理學和文化中心顧問、律師、作者衛斯理‧史密斯(Wesley J. Smith)所寫。
史密斯在文章中說,他從來沒有把屍體展與法輪功學員聯繫起來:然而當他看到伊桑‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)發表在《旗幟週刊》(The Weekly Standard)上的題為《Bodies at an Exhibition》(《展出中的遺體》)文章後,確實感到非常不安。
Bodies In Exhibition Come From Falun Gong Practitioners
Falun Gong practitioners been murdered for their organs by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continue to gather attention.
Voices to uncover the truth have come from a variety of sources.
They are not only from people witnessing the transplants in
Mainland China but also from conscientious peoples' analysis
and doubts from overseas.
On July 27, the US "National Review Online" published an
article, entitled "Murdering Falun Gong as art?”
The article pointed out that some remains of the international
human exhibition probably came from murdered Falun Gong.
Their organs may also be harvested before plastics are used.
This article was written by Wesley J. Smith.
Wesley is a researcher at the American Institute as well as a
consultant of bioethics and cultural center, lawyer, and author.
Smith said in the article, he never linked the body exhibition
with Falun Gong practitioners.
But when he saw Ethan Gutmann's article in "Weekly Standard"
entitled "Bodies at an Exhibition" he really felt very uneasy.
Smith cited "Bodies at an Exhibition", saying "Elderly female
Falun Gong practitioners patiently told me that
bodies in the exhibition came from Falun Gong practitioners.
It is outrageous to use them as entertainment.
I thought it was too sensational, so I ignored them.
However, in Vienna, I noticed that livers and kidneys
were missing from some of the exhibited bodies.
Is it possible that these bodies served as dual-purpose bodies:
organ harvesting first and then plasticizing?"
Smith said, there is little doubt that Falun Gong practitioners
had their organs harvested.
But, were they being plasticized afterwards?
Gutmann believes that the matter is still worth tracing to
find out what happened in China.
Smith said behind the body exhibition, may be mass murder.
High Level Official Reported Again
Following the "Xinhua News Agency”, on early July, reporter
Wang Wenzhi using his real name on his blog reported on
Chairman Song Lin of the Huaren Group in Guangdong.
On July 29, reporter Liu Hu followed suit,
reported on Ma Zhengqi.
Ma is the deputy director of Business Administration
Management Bureau, for dereliction of duty
while serving as member of Chongqing Municipal Committee
and secretary of Wanzhou District.
Liu Hu said on his blog that in 2003, Rufeng Dairy Co.
a state owned enterprise in Chongqing Wanzhou District,
was worth over 20 million yuan.
It was sold privately for 1.7 million.
When this incident was reported to Ma,
the Party Secretary, he said it was a done deal.
Liu Hu believes that Ma committed serious dereliction of duty.
He called for the Central Discipline Inspection Commission
to investigate Ma.
Currently, Liu Hu's blog on "Sina" has been removed, but the
content of his post has been forwarded to other net users.
Presently, Ma and relevant committees have not
responded to Liu's reporting.
7月27號,美國《國家評論在線》(National Review online)發表一篇題為《謀殺法輪功(修鍊者)作藝術?》的文章,指出國際人體展覽的一些遺體,可能是來自被謀殺的法輪功學員,而他們的器官在塑化之前也可能被摘取。
這篇文章由美國探索研究院的高級研究員、生物倫理學和文化中心顧問、律師、作者衛斯理‧史密斯(Wesley J. Smith)所寫。
史密斯在文章中說,他從來沒有把屍體展與法輪功學員聯繫起來:然而當他看到伊桑‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)發表在《旗幟週刊》(The Weekly Standard)上的題為《Bodies at an Exhibition》(《展出中的遺體》)文章後,確實感到非常不安。
Bodies In Exhibition Come From Falun Gong Practitioners
Falun Gong practitioners been murdered for their organs by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continue to gather attention.
Voices to uncover the truth have come from a variety of sources.
They are not only from people witnessing the transplants in
Mainland China but also from conscientious peoples' analysis
and doubts from overseas.
On July 27, the US "National Review Online" published an
article, entitled "Murdering Falun Gong as art?”
The article pointed out that some remains of the international
human exhibition probably came from murdered Falun Gong.
Their organs may also be harvested before plastics are used.
This article was written by Wesley J. Smith.
Wesley is a researcher at the American Institute as well as a
consultant of bioethics and cultural center, lawyer, and author.
Smith said in the article, he never linked the body exhibition
with Falun Gong practitioners.
But when he saw Ethan Gutmann's article in "Weekly Standard"
entitled "Bodies at an Exhibition" he really felt very uneasy.
Smith cited "Bodies at an Exhibition", saying "Elderly female
Falun Gong practitioners patiently told me that
bodies in the exhibition came from Falun Gong practitioners.
It is outrageous to use them as entertainment.
I thought it was too sensational, so I ignored them.
However, in Vienna, I noticed that livers and kidneys
were missing from some of the exhibited bodies.
Is it possible that these bodies served as dual-purpose bodies:
organ harvesting first and then plasticizing?"
Smith said, there is little doubt that Falun Gong practitioners
had their organs harvested.
But, were they being plasticized afterwards?
Gutmann believes that the matter is still worth tracing to
find out what happened in China.
Smith said behind the body exhibition, may be mass murder.
High Level Official Reported Again
Following the "Xinhua News Agency”, on early July, reporter
Wang Wenzhi using his real name on his blog reported on
Chairman Song Lin of the Huaren Group in Guangdong.
On July 29, reporter Liu Hu followed suit,
reported on Ma Zhengqi.
Ma is the deputy director of Business Administration
Management Bureau, for dereliction of duty
while serving as member of Chongqing Municipal Committee
and secretary of Wanzhou District.
Liu Hu said on his blog that in 2003, Rufeng Dairy Co.
a state owned enterprise in Chongqing Wanzhou District,
was worth over 20 million yuan.
It was sold privately for 1.7 million.
When this incident was reported to Ma,
the Party Secretary, he said it was a done deal.
Liu Hu believes that Ma committed serious dereliction of duty.
He called for the Central Discipline Inspection Commission
to investigate Ma.
Currently, Liu Hu's blog on "Sina" has been removed, but the
content of his post has been forwarded to other net users.
Presently, Ma and relevant committees have not
responded to Liu's reporting.