【禁聞】昆明中美人權對話 北京處理訪民

【新唐人2013年07月31日訊】昆明中美人權對話 北京處理訪民





長沙千人示威反發射塔 遭暴力驅散



抗議民眾身穿白色T恤在長沙市政府大樓前靜坐。他們還打著寫有「拒絕輻射 塔建人亡」、「不願成為下一個癌症村」等內容的橫幅。








While China-US Talk Rights, Beijing Lets Out Petitioners.

The 18th China-US dialogue on human rights is being held
in Kunming, Yunnan province from July 30 to 31.
On July 26, U.S. State Department spokesman said that
during the dialogue, both sides would discuss monocracy,
religious freedom, freedom of speech, labor rights,
minority rights and other human rights topics.
The U.S. delegation will also visit Beijing to have meeting
with officials and civil community representatives.

The Chinese Rights Movement website reported that,

on July 30, Majialou, a black jail in Beijing where petitioners
were detained, had released over 3000 petitioners.
Most petitioners were handed over to their local governments
and taken to their hometowns.

The report said that during this sensitive period,
the authorities released petitioners on large scale.
It speculates that the move relates to U.S. deputy secretary
of state, Uzra Zeya.
The delegation will go to Beijing to investigate
after talks finish in Kunming and Yunnan.

In addition, petitioners who had protested outside of Chinese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CMFA) for 40 days, will probably be dispersed.
However, Rights Movement reported that, on July 30,
the number of protesters outside the CMFA office increased.

Thousands Protest Changsha Transmission Tower Project

On July 29, in Changsha, Hunan province, thousands of citizens
gathered outside city hall to protest in 40°C degree temperature.
They demanded the authorities to cancel the building project
of a transmission tower which was being built by Hunan Radio.

Sources say that Hunan Radio channel 203 planned to build a
high-intensity electromagnetic radiation wave transmission tower in Furong district, Changsha city.
Because the tower is within 200 meters of the residential area
and the environmental evaluation report isn't transparent,
residents are worried about radiation effects on their health.

Protesters sat in front of a government building
wearing white T-shirts, and held banners which read:
'refuse radiation, people will die if the tower is built,' 'we don't
want to become another cancer village,' among other banners.

The authorities sent several hundred police to disperse protesters.
Several people were injured, dozens were arrested.

Teng Biao: Detaining Scholar Made Moderate Faction Fiercer

On July 29, Mainland Chinese civil right activist, Teng Biao,
held a press conference in Hong Kong.
He criticized the Chinese regime for detaining Beijing
legal scholar Xu Zhiyong.

Teng said that Xu had been insisting on the rights to a legal,
peaceful, rational, non-violent way to do his civil rights work.
Xu hopes to use legal rights to protect citizens within
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) system.
The CCP detained Xu. It shows that this soft approach
couldn't happen.

Teng said that by the CCP detaining Xu, it only made the
public completely lose their confidence in the CCP system.
It only can make moderate factions fiercer.

As a Doctor of Law, Teng Biao recently celebrated
Beijing activist Hu Jiao's birthday in Shenzhen.
Teng was taken away by police and held for three hours
on the suspicion of supporting Xu Zhiyong.