
















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/施怡君

Cruel New CCP Plan, "Using Mortgage To Pay Pension"

China's pension problem has recently trigged heated debates.
Tsinghua University Professor Yang Yansui said that
in the fifteen years between retiring and getting pension,
men can be volunteer as gardeners at nursing homes,
while women can do laundry for seniors.
Many Mainlanders say her remarks are nonsense.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Council
plans to promote the program of "Housing Endowment."
People criticize that this proposal is more brutal than Yang's idea:
owners of housing will be deprived,
and those with no housing will wait forever.
Let's take a closer look.

According to Mainland Chinese media, China will pilot
its "Housing Endowment" program in 2014.
Specific measures are expected to come out Q1, 2014.
Opinions About Accelerating Pension Services
issued by the CCP State Council suggests that there will be
a trial run of the senior housing pension mortgage program.
Under the program, seniors can mortgage their homes
to financial institutions and get pension from them.
After the owners die, the financial institution sells the house
and returns the mortgage, and any property appreciation
goes to the financial institution.

Gong Shengli, China financial and social commentator:
"People came to this world empty-handed.
When they get old, they might only get real estate property.
Then they have to hand it over the government.
Their next generation will be empty-handed.
In the end, who get the money?"

The proposal trigged criticism online.
One netizen said: "After they rob everything,
they take your house too."
Other netizens said: "It exploits you all your life,
and even swallows you up in the end."

Some experts questioned that "Housing Endowment"
may contribute to rising house prices.

In addition, many generally don't trust financial institutions,
worrying that they will sell the houses and take the money.

Some netizens are concerned about their social security.
They suspect the authorities will withhold people's pensions.

Commentator Lin Zixu:"The direct cause of the CCP's proposal
is the financial difficulty it faces now.
Foreign investments are withdrawing on a large scale.
Corrupt CCP officials are transferring capital overseas.
The CCP regime was very nervous.
They know a large amount of people's pension have been
taken away by corrupt officials, and the issue would surface soon.
So the CCP came up with this foolish idea."

Since 2007, CCP held trial "Housing Endowment" programs
in Beijing and Shanghai, which ended in failure.

From the start, experts and everyday people
have found the program questionable.

The key reason is China's lands are owned by the government.
People only have 70 years of right to use.
Once the term is up, the property is taken back.
Leaving the "Housing Endowment" plan to fall through.

CCP authorities claim that "Housing Endowment" is
to mimic western countries.
However, "Housing Endowment' in the West is supported by
the government.
The borrower owns the house when alive.
The ownership will go to city development departments
after the owners pass away.
After the houses are sold, extra money in addition to mortgage
will be given to the person's heirs.
If the selling price cannot cover mortgage,
city department pay banks the remainder.

Online writer Xia Xiaoqiang:"The fundamental difference
between China and western countries is the one-party rule.
China's assets all belong to the CCP.
Serious corruption caused the huge gap in pension.
Inflation is another factor.
The key issue is CCP officials' embezzling social insurance."

Chen Liangyu, former Shanghai CCP party secretary
embezzled 3.2 billion yuan ($523,000) of social insurance.

The CCP's "Housing Endowment" is also suspected to be
another way used to defer retirement.

Xie Tian, professor at University of South Carolina
Aiken School of Business: "The more critical issue is that
once the real estate bubble bursts, the money people get
cannot cover living expenses with severe inflation.
The lives of seniors will become even more difficult."

Other experts question the CCP's encouraging interest groups
to exploit people through high housing prices.
It now promotes the proposal in the name of supporting seniors,
but may end up widening the gap between rich and poor.