






今年8月,香港9個非政府組織組成的「中國人權聯盟(Coalition of Human Rights in China)」指稱,中國人權狀況在過去5年裡不斷惡化。











採訪/常春 編輯/宋風 後製/蕭宇

Human Rights Deteriorated During Xi Jinping's Office Term

On October 10, the U.S. Congress published an annual report
showing that human rights regarding freedom of speech,
minorities, the one-child policy and labor camp policies
haven't improved at all after Xi Jinping took office.
Human right activists state that the human rights situation
in China has further deteriorated instead.

In the annual report from "Congressional-Executive
Commission on China," it says that people had the wish
that the human rights condition in China could be improved
after Xi took office this March.
Nevertheless, in actuality, the new CCP leadership doesn't
allow any constructive public discussion regarding reform topics.
Xu Zhiyong, Guo Feixiong and a lot of others who called
for human rights and constitutionalism were arrested or suppressed.

The Commission Chairman, Senator Sherrod Brown, declared
in a written statement that this report reminds people that
Chinese citizens' basic rights of freedom haven't improved
at all since China joined World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
People are still not able to enjoy the freedom of speech,
gathering and belief.
Labor working conditions in China haven't improved either.

In the report, a suggestion was made to Obama that the CCP
should be pressured with the"International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights", which was signed in 1998.

The CCP should stop arresting or detaining any political
dissents and should allow the freedom of belief and speech.
The media and Internet censorship should be revoked.

Hu Jia, Human right activist:"Since Xi Jinping took office,
the CCP stability maintenance system has been further
reinforced, with millions of armed police and hundreds
of millions of police.
In addition, the party also has at least two million
Internet police and Internet commentators."

Hu Jia stated that since Xi took office, the already rotten
ideology and politics of the party has been further aggravated.
Based on Hu Jia's 13 years'work experience in human rights
activities, he said he had never seen so many
of his friends arrested one after another.

This August, nine non-governmental organizations formed
the "Coalition of Human Rights in China,"which claimed
that the human rights situation has been deteriorating
in China for the past five years.

The U.S. Congress report also pointed out that the party
not only takes firm control of the media but also reprimands reporters.
For instance, in his documentary movie, Du Bin was one
of the repressed media people who disclosed
that Masanjia Labor Camp tortures women.

In addition, the living conditions of minorities has been
deteriorating in Tibet, Xinjiang and Mongolia.

Daughter of Wang Xiuying: "My mom filed a suit against
the Minister of Finance.
October 8 was the court date.

However, the police blocked us from going to the court
in the morning.
Those police were intervening in the judiciary."

The report also states that Falun Gong practitioners
and people with other beliefs jailed in the party's
"labor camps"are still facing systematic physical torture.
They are forced to criticize their own beliefs.
Un-official Christian churches and other belief groups
have been persecuted as well.

Yu Jinshan, counselor of "Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
Association,"stated that religion can help improve social stability.
Meanwhile, religion can also help maintain societies
moral standard.
However the CCP doesn't allow any religion
other than those approved by the party.

Yu Jinshan:"What's happening in China is related
to the party's ideology.
It doesn't allow any party groups other than
the Chinese Communism Party.
This is the root problem."

Hu Jun, founder of "human rights movement in China,"
said that Xi Jinping, as a descendent of the former CCP
leadership, will defend for the party and work on
resuming the party's power.

Hu Jun:"The CCP system is meant to make people
harm each other in the name of 'wealth redistributed.'
Therefore, communism means robbery,
which will cause people to kill each other. "

Hu Jun stated that the CCP system has been slaughtering
Chinese people.
In the history of mankind, it's the most vicious social system.

Hu Jia said that the CCP monopolizes
all the resources in China.
The crimes committed by the CCP Committee of Politics
and Law and the Minister of Propaganda are too numerous to be listed.

Hu Jia stated that the CCP has been abusing the law.

The CCP is the biggest criminal organization in China.

The CCP has killed too many people, but before its collapse,
many Chinese people are still suffering the pain with tears and blood.

NTDTV Reporter Chang Chun