【禁聞】陸記者換新證 先考馬列




而從今年8月底開始,中共大勢抓捕網絡敢言人士和敢言記者。 《北京日報》9月3號發表題為「意識形態領域陣地決不能丟」的文章強調,互聯網已經成為今天意識形態鬥爭的主戰場,能不能保持中共的思想宣傳優勢,能不能守住意識形態領域陣地,事關中共的前途命運。從此,中共開展了大舉搶佔網絡陣地;司法等專制機構也大量利用網絡造勢。



前《陜西電視臺》記者、編輯馬曉明表示,中共政權擔心大量的軍隊、警察和幹部,還不足以使它的專制統治安心,從而想方設法,通過歪曲事實、掩蓋真相的教育、文藝、以及日常的所謂新聞 等方式,對民眾進行奴化和愚民教育的灌輸和麻醉。









New Press Pass in China Makes Training in Marxism Mandatory

In 2014, the Chinese Communist Party authorities will
issue a new press pass for all Chinese media reporters.
However, to be qualified for getting the new card,
all Chinese journalists have to attend additional so-called
"trainings and exams".

In those trainings, journalists must study and pass exams
on subjects such as so-called “Socialism with Chinese
characteristics" and "Marxist view of journalism".

Some commentators say such a move clearly shows
the CCP’s attempts at tightening media control,
which is a hard strike against all media workers
who are hoping for more press freedom in China.

Recently, the website Chinese Journalist announced a notice
about "new professional trainings for journalists".
The CCP authorities made the decision that journalists from
all Chinese media would have to attend "professional
trainings"and relevant"tests"before getting their new
press cards issued for 2014.
The training contents include six subjects such as centering on
"Socialism with Chinese Characteristics","Marxist View
of Journalism" and "Journalism Ethics", as well as
major media laws and media management regulations.

The announcement also requires all media to organize their
own trainings between October and December.
Between January and February in 2014, the State
Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) and
its provincial counterparts will hold tests for all journalists.

Since the end of this August, the CCP authorities have made
large-scale arrests of online whistleblowers and journalists.
On September 3rd, the Beijing Daily newspaper published
an article titled,"The Ideological Front Must Never Be Lost".
The article claimed that, the internet had become the major
battlefield of modern war in ideology.
Thus, whether the party can keep up in its propaganda
or defend its ideological front is a critical issue
that may determine the CCP's fate.

Since then, the CCP authorities have begun
to aggressively attack free speech on the internet.
Governmental agencies such as the judiciary have also
begun to use the internet for a large amount of propaganda.

Jia Yuanliang, chief editor of the Great Wall War website:
"Obviously, Marxism and its view of journalism contradicts
with principles such as seeking the truth and justice,
freedom of the press, and individual rights of media workers."

Ma Xiaoming, former journalist and editor of Shaanxi TV:
"From the CCP's perspective, media reports need no
objectivity and fairness.

What is needed is simply a tool of the party and
its government.
Therefore it always talks about ‘positive factors’, so-called
‘looking at problems from all sides’ and ‘the main theme’.
The latest name it created is ‘positive energy’.
All these are absurd jargon for the sole purpose of distorting
and hiding the truth."

Ma Xiaoming, a former journalist and editor for Shaanxi TV,
says the CCP dictatorship can't be at ease even with its huge
military, and numerous police and CCP members.

Therefore it has spared no efforts to distort and hide
the truth by means of brainwashing education, literature,
art and daily news, all for enslaving and numbing
Chinese people’s minds.

Ma Xiaoming:"[The new trainings] are mostly for further
controlling media workers’ minds.
Then it will be easier for them to enslave Chinese people
through media and even protect the whole regime."

Liu Hu, a journalist of Xin Kuai Bao, was recently formally
arrested by the authorities for defamation.
Previously Liu had publicly accused Ma Zhengqi, deputy
director of the State Administration for Industry and
Commerce, of dereliction of duty.

Gao Qinrong, former Chinese reporter famous
for exposing fakery, was unjustly imprisoned for eight years
after reporting on a fraudulent irrigation project
in Yuncheng, Shanxi province.
Even now Gao still cannot regain his job as a journalist,
and has to earn a living by running a small business.
He has turned to Weibo to report news
as a succession to his journalist career.

Gao Qingrong:"In general, it is best for the newspaper which
employs a journalist to take the responsibility."

Former Chinese history professor Liu Yinquan says
the CCP requires all journalists to report news
from the perspective of protecting the party.

This not only rules out any objectivity and authenticity of
news reports, but is also a kind of persecution
of media workers.

Liu Yinquan, former Chinese history professor:
"Firstly, the CCP’s acts will draw objection from
conscientious journalists.

They will resist at their best and by all means.

Secondly, the Communist Regime’s evil nature will be
realized by more Chinese from this."

Ma Xiaoming further says that Chinese journalists
who are younger than 60 have grown up
under the CCP’s brainwashing education.

Many of them have no feeling of guilt when
manufacturing false news.
It is even harder for them to realize that they are
suppressing their own conscience by
following the party’s principles.

Meanwhile, those with conscience and independent
thinking are consistently being suppressed
by the whole Communist regime.