【禁聞】記者被刑拘 《新快報》:請放人





隨後,《新快報》作出澄清,也發表聲明控告「中聯重科」和高輝。報社在民事起訴狀中指出,高輝在未有任何證據的情況下,蓄意將《新快報》相關報導描述為虛假報導,企圖 混淆視聽,嚴重損害了報社聲譽,並侵犯了報導記者的合法權益。因此要求法院判決被告賠償《新快報社》損失1元、賠償記者陳永洲精神損失費10萬元,並賠禮道歉。


原北京《百姓》雜誌主編 黃良天:「因為揭露醜聞被抓的記者,在中國大陸是很經常的事情,但是大部分出現這種事情以後就撇清了,《新快報》以一個媒體,向刑事部門叫版,在中國大陸還是第一次,敢於向當局抗爭。所以,《新快報》這種做法還是值得讚揚的。」



美國中文雜誌《中國事務》總編輯 伍凡:「地方勢力保護自己的利益,跨省抓人,中國的一些法學院的院長,一些有名的律師都出來講話,過分了,記者報導這個事情,你認為報導不實,那就打官司,不能隨便抓人。」






採訪編輯/常春 後製/陳建銘

Reporters Arrested in China for Muckraking

Following the arrest of reporter Li Hu, reporter
Chen Yongzhou from the Express was arrested recently
by Hunan Changsha Public Security Bureau.

Chen was charged on suspicion of damage
to corporate reputation.
On October 24, the Express published, “Please Release
Our Reporter” on its front page.

According to the Express’ report, on October 18, Chen
was arrested in Guangzhou for publishing criticizing reports
regarding Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science
and Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou police detained him for alleged damage
to Zoomlion’s business reputation.

After Liu Hu, Chen Yongzhou is the second reporter
to have been arrested in China.
Liu Hu was arrested for using his blog to report on many
vice-ministerial and some local officials.
Liu was charged with suspicion
of creating and spreading rumors.

Since last September, Chen published ten articles about
Zoomlion involving inflated profits, benefits,
deformity marketing and suspected fraud.

In July 2013, Gao Hui, assistant chairman of Zoomlion,
said in his blog that Chen Yongzhou discredited Zoomlion
and caused the company’s share price to drop significantly.

Subsequently, the Express also issued a statement against
Zoomlion and Gao Hui.
In a civil lawsuit, the Express alleged that Gao Hui aimed
to distort newspaper reports to confuse the public, causing
serious damage to the newspaper’s reputation and violating
the legitimate rights and interests of Chen Yongzhou.
Therefore, the Express asked the court to rule that
the defendant compensate the newspaper 1 yuan,
the reporter 100,000 yuan, and issue an apology.

Meanwhile, the newspaper was silent for a few days, and then
published on the front page, in huge print,
the words “Please Release Our Reporter.”

In the middle of the front page were the words, “although our
newspaper is small, we’ve got a few ounces of courage.”

Huang Liangtian, former chief editor of People:
“Muckraking reporters being arrested is common in China.
However, the Express, as a media, took it to court,
and this is the first time.
The Express dares to fight against authorities
and is commendable.”

When a reporter called the Express, the chief editor’s office
staff said that it was inconvenient to be interviewed.
However, a co-worker of Chen Yongzhou said that
he supported the newspaper’s call.

It is understood that the Changsha City Public Security Bureau
Branch processed Chen’s case as early as September 16,
and issued an online hunt on October 15.

However, Chen was totally in the dark and worked as usual.

Wu Fan, chief editor of China affairs: “Local authorities
protect their own interests and arrest people inter-provincially.
A number of well-known law school deans and lawyers spoke
out that they should take reporters to court
if they think reports are false,
but they cannot arrest reporters like that.”

Mainland media people asked, “Will reporters feel safe?”
Someone says, “I believe everyone is angry.
That is by no means just to endorse reporters,
but to protest against the brutal law enforcement.”

The Express said helplessly, “We have always thought that
if we report responsibly, there should be no problem.
If anything happens, we can correct and apologize;
if it is really serious, we go to court.
If we lose, we deserve to pay or close our door,
But the fact proves that we are too naïve.”

Huang Liangtian: “Now the police and government
departments have turned into thugs for the capitalists.
Reporters encounter enormous difficulties,
and they are facing a very strong public power.”

Zoomlion was founded in 1992, and mainly engaged
in construction, energy, engineering, environmental engineering,
traffic engineering and other infrastructure required
or the development of major high-tech manufacturing equipment.
The company is registered with 7.706 billion capital
and 30,000 employees.
Last year, Zoomlion had revenue over 90 billion yuan,
profits and taxes totaling more than 12 billion.
