




總部設在美國的《大紀元時報》也報導說,薄熙來案雖然暫告落幕, 但是中南海政治的風暴卻是「進行式」,圍繞著薄熙來案,中南海高層的紛爭和震盪仍在持續發酵,前政法委書記周永康已經成為薄案第二季的主角,並牽出了前政治局常委曾慶紅和前黨魁江澤民家族。而薄熙來的核心罪行——政變密謀和活摘器官,則仍被中共掩蓋著。報導說,這兩樁罪行一旦被真正揭開,中共隨時都會垮臺,薄熙來也會再次上法庭。

雲南警民衝突持續 又三千警圍村



10月22號,警方進村抓捕村民維權代表王春雲父子,村民群起反抗扣押了15名警察和政府官員,砸毀20多輛警車。政府派上千警察包圍廣濟村, 並向村民施放催淚瓦斯,向村民開槍射擊,警民雙方對峙數小時。




河北三千學生罷課 抗議物價上漲




Bo Xilai Expected To Be Tried For Covering Up Crimes

On Oct. 25, Bo Xilai's second trial finished. Shandong Higher
People's Court rejected his appeal, upholding the life sentence.
Although observers expected this result,
Bo's second trial is still a hot topic for the media.

The CNN reported, "the trial session lasted around 45 minutes
with Bo repeatedly interrupting the judge to rebut the court's
findings, angering the judge."

The Wall Street Journal says "While that expected decision
likely ends the legal drama surrounding Bo himself, many of
those he attacked in Chongqing are still waiting for closure."

"Gross illegalities allegedly committed by the Chongqing
police during the so-called 'Smash the Black' campaigns
ordered by Bo Xilai have yet to be reviewed or reopened."

US-based Epoch Times reported that although Bo's case
is finished, Zhongnanhai's political struggle is still ongoing.
Around Bo's case, the high-level struggle is intensifying.

Zhou Yongkang, former secretary of Political and Legal
Affairs Committee, became another focus figure.
It also pulled out former member of Standing Committee,
Zeng Qinghong and former Party leader, Jiang Zemin.
However, Bo's main crimes of plotting a military coup and
live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners are still
covered up by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The report says, once the two crimes are unveiled, the CCP
will collapse at any time and Bo will be tried again.

3,000 Police Surrounded A Yunnan Village For Land Seizure

Villagers in Huangji Village, Kuming City, Yunnan, continued
to clash with police due to the local regime forcibly seizing

On Oct. 25, the local regime sent 3,000 police
with dogs to the village.

The Epoch Times website reported that villager Mr. Pu says,
even if the regime chops off villagers' heads, the villagers
won't let them seize any inch of their lands.

On Oct. 22, the police came to the village and detained
activist Wang Chunyun and his son.
The villagers defended and detained 15 police and officers.
At least 20 polices' vehicles were smashed.
The local regime dispatched thousands
of police to surround the village.
They attacked people with tear gas, and fired the guns.
Both sides had a standoff for several hours.

The regime made a concession by releasing two villagers,
However, Wang Chunyun was beaten badly, with a broken rib.

On Oct. 23, the police surrounded Guangji village but didn't
enter it.
The county's party secretary signed an agreement with
villagers, promising not to seize land any more.
They agreed to pay medical cost for injured villagers.
The villagers quickly released detained police and officers.

On Oct. 24, the local regime overturned their promise.
On Oct. 25, they sent 3,000 police with dogs to the village.

3,000 Heibei Students Protested Against
Rising Prices At School

On Oct. 24, 3,000 students in Hebei were on strike. They
protested against rising prices in the canteen supermarket.
They were upset that the school free hot water supply was
cut off and students are not allowed go out for shopping.

According to molihua.org, the students smashed tables and
chairs in the canteen, they also smashed the school gate.
The school finally made a concession.