【禁聞】山西連環爆炸案 時機敏感 眾說紛紜

【新唐人2013年11月07日訊】山西連環爆炸案 時機敏感 眾說紛紜












據《自由亞洲電臺》報導,海外維吾爾族組織表示,吐魯番地區日前抓捕了24人。伊犁當局則強 行要求各商戶安裝視頻監控設備。



Shanxi Bombings Draw Speculation During Sensitive Time for Regime

On November 6, there were multiple explosions outside a
provincial committee building in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province.
The explosions caused one death, with many more injured.

This happens as news of the Tiananmen
Square car explosion incident is still fresh.

Eyewitnesses said that in a few seconds, seven
explosions were heard on Yingze Avenue, where
the provincial committee building was located.

A light van was seen with heavy smoke and flames,
with debris scattered around, with steel balls and nails.

The area was cordoned off by police.

There is no information regarding the
identity or motives of the perpetrators.

The explosions take place just
three days before the Third Plenum.
Inspection teams have recently
stationed themselves in Shanxi Province.
There is much speculation taking
place surrouning the events.

The Epoch Times analyzed that takes places
as the world is watching the Third Plenum.
Former leader Jiang Zemin and his faction has
deliberately conducted these chaotic incidents,
to stop Xi and Li's economic and political reforms.

It is also to embarrass the current leadership.

The BBC Chinese network analyzed the trends
of the series of incidents of serious explosions,
arson, and assaults in public places in China.

The report quoted Professor
Zhu Xueqin of Shanghai University.
Professor Zhu considers the explosions and
attacks show that actions have turned from
personal conflicts into targeting the party.

It has gone from an individual anger to the
political declarations, and escalated from
criminal cases to those of political protests.

Voice of America also quoted an analysis from
an East Asia affairs researcher in Switzerland.
There are thousands of protests each year
across China, but most are peaceful, and
there is rarely any explosions or violence.

With the current bombing protests, it
signals the growing tensions in China .

Many mainland internet users believe that
the CCP 's high-handed policies have led to
the repressed section of society to rebound.

One comments on Sina Weibo said that
high-handed policies will not lead to stability.
It has proved it will only lead to explosive reactions.

Another web user warned that higher
level authorities have created "terrorists".
Government buildings and
populated areas are at high risk.

Mass Arrests of Uighurs Continues in Xinjiang

The Tiananmen Square explosion has triggered mass
arrests in Xinjiang Province, and these action continue.

Radio Free Asia reported that overseas Uighur groups
indicated that 24 people were arrested in the Turpan region.
The Ili authorities are forcing all businesses
to install video surveillance equipment.

A Uighur teacher at Beijing Minzu University
of China also revealed that Xinjiang police tried
to force others to make false testimonies.

These were to frame him on charges of
"masterminding activities to subvert the government".

Edit / Zhou Yulin