前中共國務院辦公廳祕書 俞梅蓀:「3.46實際上政治體制不改革,一黨專制,官場腐敗,權錢交易,權貴經濟和權貴法治,這個不變化的話,所有的改革都是要面臨利益集團強烈的抗拒的。所以都是很難實現的。」
採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘
Reform Programs Shrink in China
The shrinking of 383 Reform Plans caused uproar
during the Third Plenary Session
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The communiqué declared that the CCP will set up
a deep comprehensive leading reform group,
hinting that they did not reach an agreement
on 383 reform plans.
Mainland scholars point out that without giving up
the one-party dictatorship, all reforms are empty talk.
The CCP announced its deep reform right after the Third
Plenary Session, but it did not indicate the exact time.
Foreign media reports said that this suggests the CCP
leaders only agreed on the subject matter such as
state-owned enterprises and other issues, but not
the details, and then started fighting.
Eight key areas were listed in the 383 Reform Plans:
promotion of an administrative management system,
monopolized industries, land system, financial system,
tax system, state-owned assets management system,
innovation system, and externally opening up
to other countries.
Experts believe that the CCP leaders discussed only
general financial and fiscal reforms in the session.
With rural reform, the communiqué did not directly
endorse giving farmers their arable land
and the right to sell land.
They just called for giving farmers more rights
and equitable access to public services.
Regarding state-owned enterprises, the communiqué
said that state enterprises and private enterprises
are foundations of national economic
and social developments.
Meanwhile, the communiqué said that the reform must
reflect the leadership role of public economy, meaning
that China’s huge state-owned enterprises will continue
to play a prominent role.
Yu Mei Sun, former secretary of the State Council,
believes that the communiqué did not fully reflect
the 383 Reform Plans, which after the session showed
reform plans shrank.
In addition, China Daily quoted that during the session,
the director of Enterprises Reform Bureau said
that private investors may purchase 10-15%
of state-owned enterprises.
Later officials from the reform bureau claimed
that it was a misunderstanding.
This controversy shows the disagreement
within the leadership.
As widely expected, the communiqué did not mention
political system reform.
Yu Mei Sun: “In reality, without political system reform,
the one-party rule, official corruption, money and power
rule of law will continue, then all reform plans
are facing resistance from strong interest groups.
Thus, it is difficult to carry out any reform.”
It is said that local judicial power should be independent
and directly under the Central government.
Yu Mei Sun believes that the justice system is bad
enough now, if goes under the central government, it will become worse.
In December 2011, Yu went to Hulan District of Harbin
and showed farmers how to get involved
in the development of the NPC village committee
Yu Mei Sun: “The problem is the election.
The one that gets the most votes is not elected,
but an underworld figure, through local party
and government support, can become the director
of the village committee.
Farmers said that if he is not elected by farmers,
he can still sell land, rob farmers of their land
and demolish farmers’ houses.
So, it is a question of political system reform.”
Du Yanlin, Beijing CPA, believes that China’s
economic inequality does not lie in the dominance
of state-owned enterprises, but in all resources
combined with the power.
Thus, it is not a matter of state-owned enterprises,
but of a political system reform.
Du Yanlin: “All resources are in the hands
of the powerful.
How do we solve this problem?
It cannot be resolved by state-owned enterprises reform,
but it can be resolved with political system reform.
It means that we need more public monitoring.
Otherwise, a market economy separated from power
will be very difficult.”
The Epoch Times in the US pointed out that reform
issues during the session touched on various government
ministries, different levels, and different factions,
causing a huge shift of power and interests.
It will inevitably lead to strong fighting between
the central government and local governments,
in addition to interest groups’ opposition.
The report from the Epoch Times said that the CCP
media hype involved high-profile judicial,
state-owned enterprises, land and other issues.
It is an unprecedented move for the CCP
to save the party and its rule.
However, looking at China’s political core issues
and political, economic and social conditions,
the CCP has reached the point of no return.
前中共國務院辦公廳祕書 俞梅蓀:「3.46實際上政治體制不改革,一黨專制,官場腐敗,權錢交易,權貴經濟和權貴法治,這個不變化的話,所有的改革都是要面臨利益集團強烈的抗拒的。所以都是很難實現的。」
採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/陳建銘
Reform Programs Shrink in China
The shrinking of 383 Reform Plans caused uproar
during the Third Plenary Session
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The communiqué declared that the CCP will set up
a deep comprehensive leading reform group,
hinting that they did not reach an agreement
on 383 reform plans.
Mainland scholars point out that without giving up
the one-party dictatorship, all reforms are empty talk.
The CCP announced its deep reform right after the Third
Plenary Session, but it did not indicate the exact time.
Foreign media reports said that this suggests the CCP
leaders only agreed on the subject matter such as
state-owned enterprises and other issues, but not
the details, and then started fighting.
Eight key areas were listed in the 383 Reform Plans:
promotion of an administrative management system,
monopolized industries, land system, financial system,
tax system, state-owned assets management system,
innovation system, and externally opening up
to other countries.
Experts believe that the CCP leaders discussed only
general financial and fiscal reforms in the session.
With rural reform, the communiqué did not directly
endorse giving farmers their arable land
and the right to sell land.
They just called for giving farmers more rights
and equitable access to public services.
Regarding state-owned enterprises, the communiqué
said that state enterprises and private enterprises
are foundations of national economic
and social developments.
Meanwhile, the communiqué said that the reform must
reflect the leadership role of public economy, meaning
that China’s huge state-owned enterprises will continue
to play a prominent role.
Yu Mei Sun, former secretary of the State Council,
believes that the communiqué did not fully reflect
the 383 Reform Plans, which after the session showed
reform plans shrank.
In addition, China Daily quoted that during the session,
the director of Enterprises Reform Bureau said
that private investors may purchase 10-15%
of state-owned enterprises.
Later officials from the reform bureau claimed
that it was a misunderstanding.
This controversy shows the disagreement
within the leadership.
As widely expected, the communiqué did not mention
political system reform.
Yu Mei Sun: “In reality, without political system reform,
the one-party rule, official corruption, money and power
rule of law will continue, then all reform plans
are facing resistance from strong interest groups.
Thus, it is difficult to carry out any reform.”
It is said that local judicial power should be independent
and directly under the Central government.
Yu Mei Sun believes that the justice system is bad
enough now, if goes under the central government, it will become worse.
In December 2011, Yu went to Hulan District of Harbin
and showed farmers how to get involved
in the development of the NPC village committee
Yu Mei Sun: “The problem is the election.
The one that gets the most votes is not elected,
but an underworld figure, through local party
and government support, can become the director
of the village committee.
Farmers said that if he is not elected by farmers,
he can still sell land, rob farmers of their land
and demolish farmers’ houses.
So, it is a question of political system reform.”
Du Yanlin, Beijing CPA, believes that China’s
economic inequality does not lie in the dominance
of state-owned enterprises, but in all resources
combined with the power.
Thus, it is not a matter of state-owned enterprises,
but of a political system reform.
Du Yanlin: “All resources are in the hands
of the powerful.
How do we solve this problem?
It cannot be resolved by state-owned enterprises reform,
but it can be resolved with political system reform.
It means that we need more public monitoring.
Otherwise, a market economy separated from power
will be very difficult.”
The Epoch Times in the US pointed out that reform
issues during the session touched on various government
ministries, different levels, and different factions,
causing a huge shift of power and interests.
It will inevitably lead to strong fighting between
the central government and local governments,
in addition to interest groups’ opposition.
The report from the Epoch Times said that the CCP
media hype involved high-profile judicial,
state-owned enterprises, land and other issues.
It is an unprecedented move for the CCP
to save the party and its rule.
However, looking at China’s political core issues
and political, economic and social conditions,
the CCP has reached the point of no return.