

















採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李勇

Scary! Qingdao Explosion at the Front of a PX Chemical Plant

For two days, nearly a hundred residents of Qingdao's
Huangdao District gathered in front of the government
building asking for relocation.

Local residents complained, that not only are nearby chemical
plants often emitting toxic gases and pollutants,
but also the recent explosion took place right in
front of Qingdao Lidong Chemical.
A Huangdao resident told NTD that he strongly appeals:
Lidong Chemical to get out of Qingdao.

One of the explosions in Huangdao took place around
Qingdao Lidong Chemical.
It is a chemical plant that produces a
highly toxic chemical, paraxylene (PX).
A ChinaNews.com reporter was surprised to see stretches of
gigantic storage tanks containing unknown chemicals within
two hundred meters distance from the
explosion site on the evening of the 23rd.
Should any leak or explosion occur,
the consequences would be disastrous.

Caixin.com also reported, Lidong Chemical's east side walls
facing the explosion have all collapsed.
Road cracks caused by the explosion extend into the plant
more than 10 meters in length.
Many trees were found lying across the cracks.
Five metal flagpoles were also showing a 45 degree tilt.
At least six people were reportedly dead in the plant.

Huangdao residents told NTD, if the explosion happens again
and the toxic tanks were involved, the consequences would be
even more difficult to imagine.

He strongly calls for Lidong Chemical to move out of Qingdao.

Anonymous local resident: Lidong Chemical is like a gas bomb.
Go away.
A blast in the plant, no one lives in Qingdao.

Also distributed in Huangdao District are China Sinopec,
Qingdao Lidong Chemical, Huangdao depot, and many other
petrochemical affiliated industries, docks and logistics.

Lidong Chemical initiated its construction in Qingdao in 2005.
Qingdao Refinery started to operate in 2008.
These companies were opposed by local residents
ever since construction began.
Many local residents have complained to Caixin about
living with a time bomb.
The Sinopec oil pipeline explosion has once again reminded
people to demand relocation of the plant.

A Huangdao resident who declined to reveal his name says,
a protest will be held this Saturday.

Anonymous, local resident: It is said that a march
will take place this Saturday.
Lidong Chemical has to go, otherwise, Huangdao is not livable.

Many people have died. Look at the ground after the blast.

How can there be only a few people, who have died?

It is certainly more than that.

The entire road has been turned upwards.

He says, Lidong chemical was initially planned for Fujian.

They were rejected.

That's why they came to Qingdao.

Anonymous, local resident:
Qingdao people are naive.
Fujian people rejected the project.

The project thus settled here.

The Qingdao people are simply naïve.

Now many people have died.

Those who are conscientious should think about it.

Either the plant or the people should move.

A local resident surnamed Sun also worries about the
chemical plants around the city .

Mr. Sun, a Huangdao District resident: The West Coast has
been very nice and suitable for living.
The settlement of heavy industries has made it uncomfortable.

I am worried.

The pollution has come with these plants. It is quite serious.

Mr. Sun has heard of the previous oil depot explosion.

According to Caixin.com, a heavy petrochemical zone was
designed in Huangdao in 2004.
In 2006, a 10 million-ton Qingdao refinery project
started its construction.
It is a project contracted by a Sinopec subsidiary company,
co-founded by Sinopec, the Shandong provincial government,
and the Qingdao Municipal Government.

In 2012, this project had reached an annual refinery capacity
of 23 million tons, and produced 2.1 million tons of PX,
0.7 million tons from Lidong Chemical and
1.4 million tons from Sinopec.

As for the explosion, Sinopec and local governments
shirk the responsibilities towards each other.

Wall Street Journal's November 26 report indicated that
Sinopec submitted plans to Weifang's Ministry of Environmental
Protection to overhaul sections of the pipeline in 2011 and
2012, but the plans were rejected.
Representatives from Weifang and its environmental protection
branch didn't reply to requests for comment.
A Huangdao municipal government spokeswoman
referred questions to Sinopec.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/LiYong