【禁聞】律師喊話放人 洗腦班摘牌 龜縮﹗







中國維權律師江天勇:「我們上一次來,他一聽,把大門關了,死活都不出來,公安分局(的人)下班走了,(房躍春)連下班都不敢下班出來。這次把大門關了,連外面的門都關了,進都進不去。 剛才有幾個人來看,我們讓他開門,不開,說,領導讓我看著,別讓你們進來就行了。」












採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/周天

Brainwashing Center Dares Not Face Lawyers

On Dec. 5, families of victims and their lawyers once again
went to the Nongken Public Security Bureau in Heilongjiang,
shouting demands for illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners
to be released from the so-called “legal education base”.
No officers dared meet them, and the building was silent,
with only someone who seemed to poke their head out
periodically to see if they had left. Meanwhile, the sign saying
“legal education base” had been removed.

At 2pm on Dec. 5, reporters reached human rights lawyer
Jiang Tianyong on a cellphone.
In the howling wind came the shouting of the lawyers and
the victims’ families.
“Fang Yuechun, come out! Release them!
Fang Yuechun, you are committing a crime.
Fang Yuechun, immediately release them!
Release them immediately!”

"Shi Mengchang, go home! Shi Mengchang, go home!
Yu Songjiang, go home! Yu Songjiang, go home!
Han Shujuan, go home! Han Shujuan, go home!
Chen Min, go home! Chen Min, go home!"

On that day, there was more than a foot of snow.

Four attorneys, Jiang Tianyong, Tang Jitian, Zhao Yonglin,
and Wang Cheng, along with more than a dozen family
members of the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners
went to the Nongken police station in Heilongjiang
for the second time.

They called on Fang Yuechun, chief of the legal education base,
to immediately release the illegally detained Falun Gong
practitioners such as Yu Songjiang, Shi Mengchang,
Chen Min, and so on.

Nongken “legal education base” was established in early 2010.

Both Nongken police station and Nongken legal education base
were built on Qinglongshan Farm, so it is also called
Qinglongshan brainwashing center.

When the lawyers and the families arrived at Nongken for
the second time, the automatic door of the police station was
locked with chains.

According to the lawyer,
the legal education base sign was gone.

Jiang Tianyong, Chinese human rights lawyer: "Last time
when we came, they shut the doors. No one would come out,
and they all left. [Fang Yuechun] dared not even leave.

This time, they closed the door, even the gate was shut.

We couldn’t even go in.

Some people came out to look and refused to open door for us.

One said, the leader asked them to watch
and make sure no one gets in."

Lawyers and victims’ families shouted to the brainwashing
center from the backyard.
Inside the center, the lights were off.
By 5:30 pm, no one responded.

Xia Xiaoqiang, commentator: "In the past, those police and
law enforcement officers were very arrogant. Now are afraid.
It shows that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is shameful.
It also shows that the increasing righteous strength
has already made the persecution very hard to sustain."

On the 5th, when the lawyers were heading home, local police
secretly watched and followed the lawyers’ car.
The lawyers say all the city's street lights went out that day,
and the road was completely dark.
Local phones were also briefly blocked.

Within 4 to 5 kilometers outside Qinglongshan,
police set up roadblocks to check vehicles.

On Nov. 14, these four lawyers and families of victims
Shi Mengchang and Han Shujuan went to Qinglongshan
brainwashing center the first time.

Fang Yuechun, chief of the legal education base,
had the police take the lawyers away with the excuse of
“disrupt the office order.”

Later on, the lawyers and the victims’ families filed
a criminal complaint form to Nongken procuratorate.
They also filed complaints to the public security bureau and
local departments and authorities such as the commission for
discipline inspection.

Local authorities were stirred.

On Nov. 19, Yu Songjiang was once again illegally abducted
to Qinglongshan brainwashing center.
It immediately caused great response on the Internet.

Many netizens praised the attorneys for their bravery and
condemned the illegal nature of the black jail.

A netizen, Linghuchun, wrote: “It is indeed a lawless land.
Be careful, lawyers!”

Lawyer Xiao Fanghua wrote: “Is it a Nazi concentration camp?
They deprive civilians' liberty without any procedure.”

On Sep. 23, 2011, Heilongjiang Nongken Bureau deputy
secretary Li Tao gave orders to kidnap Falun Gong
practitioners in the region to Qinglongshan brainwashing center.

Li Tao was a politics and law committee in Yichun city
before he came to Nongken.
However, sources say Li Tao has been put into
“Shuanggui” interrogation and turned over to the judiciary.

The crimes of brainwashing centers have been exposed
many times by human rights lawyer Liang Xiaojun.
Currently attending an international human rights
conference in Hong Kong, Liang Xiaojun’s presentation
has drawn much concern from the participants,
and two separate meetings on the topic have been held.