











4月21號,劉萍等人手持「習近平,請停止所有政治迫害」﹔「習近平,釋放良心犯」﹔「習近平,立即結束專制獨裁」,以及「公民要求公布財產無罪,當局抓人違憲,放人」 等標語牌,在劉萍家樓下的露天場所拍照,隨後將圖片發到網上。




採訪/陳漢 編輯/李謙 後製/王明宇

Xinyu Activist: History Will Prove I am Innocent

Three Chinese activists in Xinyu who called for officials
to fully disclose their assets went on trial.
The four-day trial ended on December 6.
The three activists plead not guilty.
Liu Ping, one of the three activists, said that history
will prove she is innocent.
The court will issue the verdict on another day.

The defendants’ lawyer said that although the trial indicated
the activists were not guilty, under the Chinese Communist
Party’s (CCP) system, there is no optimism regarding
the upcoming verdict.
Netizens say that Liu Ping’s final testimony in court
was soul-stirring and thought provoking.

On December 3, the three activists were tried
in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province.
Security was very tight near Xinyu Yushui District Court.
The local police set up many patrol lines near the court.
The defense lawyers and three activists’ families
were attacked and shoved by unidentified people at the site.

Observers believe that these thuggish manners were hasty
suppression of the New Citizens’ Movement by the local
regime to curry favor with the CCP.

On December 6, the judge closed the trial, and announced
that the first trial verdict will be issued another time.
The defendants, Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping and Li Sihua
have read their final testimonies to defend their innocence.
They said that the so-called allegations of “illegal assembly,”
“using an evil cult to undermine the law”
and “gathering a crowd to disturb order in a public place”
were fabricated by the CCP.

Yang Xuelin, defense lawyer: “Five defense lawyers
in the courtroom defended their clients’ innocence.
However, due to the current situation,
the court will likely sentence them as guilty.”

Liu Ping’s lawyer Si Weijiang refuted the indictment in court.

From a legal perspective, Si stated factual details
of Liu Ping’s innocence.

Liu Ping said in her final testimony, “I was an obedient
citizen who used to believe China Central Television news,
now in order to defend my labor rights,
I was forced to become a petitioner.
In order to pursue equality and justice,
I became ‘a new citizen.’
To demand my political rights according to the law,
finally I am standing in court as a defendant.
History will prove that I am not guilty.”

Liu Ping’s daughter: “It is no longer important
if my mother is sentenced or not,
because the lawyers’ testimonies touched me
and made me cry several times.
I am proud of my mother.

I wasn’t complaining about the law, I just hated
that they used their power to play the law.”

At end of April, the three activists were arrested under
allegations of “inciting subversion of state power.”
Later, the regime prosecuted them for “illegal assembly.”

Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported
that the “illegal assembly” charge as handed down
by the court who prosecuted the three activists is ridiculous.

It can be likened to, “Gathering for a meal is wrong,
Holding placards is committing a crime,
urging the officials to disclose their assets
is committing a big crime.”

The indictment claims that Beijing lawyer Ding Jiaxi met
the three activists for a meal, and gave them badges with
the word “Citizen” on them.

Later, the three activists called other people to gather together.

They gave attendees “Citizen” badges and discussed
how to maintain their rights.

On April 21, Liu Ping and other people held banners
with the following slogans written on them:
“Xi Jinping, stop political persecution”
“Xi Jinping, release prisoners of conscience”
“Xi Jinping, immediately end dictatorship”
“Strongly urge officials to disclose their assets”
and “The regime illegally arrested innocent people,
release them!”
The activists gathered outside Liu Ping’s home,
took some pictures, then posted the pictures online.

The indictment also accused Liu Ping and Wei Zhongping
of so-called “missing crimes.”
The regime alleged that this is because Liu and Wei
participated in elections by running as independent
candidates to become local representatives
of people’s congress in 2011.
They also gave speeches in Xinyu Steel Company
community several times.

The indictment also prosecuted Liu and Wei as having
“used an evil cult to undermine the law” because Liu Ping
reposted news from QQ on Aug. 18, 2012 of Shanghai
Falun Gong practitioner Hou Junjie’s unlawful persecution,
and because Wei Zhongping, via a telephone call, wished
the founder of Falun Gong a happy new year.

The regime’s persecution of the three activists has drawn
a great amount of attention by people at home and abroad.
RFI analyzes that from a totalitarian perspective, the CCP
will certainly treat Liu Ping and other activists as grass-roots
supporters of the “New Citizens’ Movement.”

The CCP even thinks the grass-roots supporters’
movement has appeared.
Thus the CCP is bound to severely suppress them.

Netizens said, “Some people want their name
to be put on a historical pillar of honors,
some want to be put on historical pillar of shame.”
“That is how ‘Citizen’ was born!”